An Adult who looks just like Haruto stands there surrounded by falling leaves. The man sheaths his sword.
Kid: Your technique was truly impressive!
The adult looks at him.
Tamayami Nakamura. Creator of dark breathing.
Tamayami: This is the same mountain where I created this breath style. This same spot as well. I danced with the blade in the winter's midnight snow.
Kid: Right here?!
Tamayami: Mhm. I always thought that this mountain is a very beautiful place. Maybe someday... A village up here would be nice.
Kid: We should stay here! Please! I want to learn everything I can about dark breathing!
Tamayami gives the boy a soft smile.
Tamayami: Alright then. I'll teach you everything there is to dark breathing, !#%$&0
Haruto runs for a tower in the fortress
Haruto: Soratsuki... It's time we end this fight between us.
Haruto continues to run.
Haruto: I can't help but worry about everyone.
Haruto: Tatara and Token.
Tatara and Token are both standing in front the entrance to Karakin's room.
Haruto: Odataki and Yui.
Odataki and Yui continue to charge for the revived Nise from Jufuto.
Haruto: Kinoku and Eri.
Kinoku and Eri push for Jufuto's castle.
Haruto: Kaiyo and the others from the guardian seven.
Kaiyo, Kazutora, Bee, Fudoki, Mei, Ashura, and Camie all enter Jufuto's castle.
Haruto: Apparently most of the divisions have been wiped out. Contact with Yuri and Sunaarashi was also lost apparently. Then again, every crow of ours was killed except Yu, so I don't expect for any of us to be in contact until after the fights over.
Yu and the demon crows fight.
Yu: Caw! My job is on the line here, so I'm going to wrap this up! Caw!
Demon crow: Zip it you weird ass bird! Caw!
Yu grips the nichirin Kunai in his beak. The demon crow creates a blade made of bones. The two clash...
Haruto looks up
Haruto: YU!
Yu has a large cut spanning across his entire chest. Yu falls down as Haruto catches him.
Haruto: Yu! I'm so sorry, we should've taken care of that demon instead of leaving it to you.
Yu: C-Caw... My job was on the line, there's no way I wouldn't win...
Haruto: Hm?
Haruto then watches as a headless demon crow falls to the ground and fades away.
Yu: Everything... It's getting so dark... Haruto...
Haruto: Yu stay with me we can't lose you too!
Yu: Caw! It was worth putting... My job on the line... for you... Caw...
Yu's eyes shut as Haruto starts to tear up.
A medic runs up.

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...