March 16th
???: What have we been called here for?
Lower moon six.
???: Aren't you a highly ranked demon? Something very close to the lord Muzan?
Lower moon four.
???: Yes. Yes, I am very close to Muzan.
Lower six: So why do you need us?
???: The demon slayers have discovered this mine and suspect demons on this mountain. I have to do some cleaning up. So you two defend the mountain with your life.
Lower four: Understood.
Lower six: What do you think we are?! Your puppets?! Fuck of-
We see a muscular arm go through the stomach of the lower six. Creating a giant hole in his stomach.
???: Don't talk to me like that. Know your place. Anyways if you guys survive you could maybe even become an upper moon.
Lower six: U-understood.
???: Now get ready to go out.
Odataki: You alright?
Mo: Yeah, I just have trouble standing.
Tatara: Yuri, is everything good?
Yuri: It hurts. The lightning got me good.
Suddenly the doors burst open and kakushi's walk in and take Yuri and Mo on carriers to get them to the butterfly estate.
Yuri: Haruto..Wait, I need to talk to you.
Haruto: Yeah, what is it?
Yuri: I know where the atlas is. Well where our suspicions led. Mt. Iwaki. That's where it is.
Haruto: Thank you very much! We'll make sure we check it out!
Crow: Caw! Caw! Letter for...Tatara! Tatara Sato!
The crow comes down to Tatara's hand with a letter tied to its foot. Tatara takes the letter off and opens it.
The letter: Dear big brother. I hope your job is going well! Hunting demons and all! I hope you're safe. Make sure you say hi to Haruto and Token for me! You be safe big bro and don't be afraid to visit me. It's been a while! Love your little sister Yukki.
Tatara tears up a little.
Odataki: I'd love to investigate the atlas, but I can leave that to you guys.
Haruto: You sure? You can come along.
Odataki: I don't know. I'll leave this mansion behind now. Goodb-
Yu: Caw! Caw! Haruto Nakamura! Tatara Sato! Sumire Ryu! Odataki Kawame! Head to the west! Prepare to raid a mountain full of minerals! Strong demons are suspected to be there! Caw!
Haruto: Thanks Yu! Well then. Let's go!
Yu: Caw! Hurry! My job is-
Haruto: No it's not Yu! We all know that's a li-
Yu: It's on the line! Caw!
Odataki: You named your crow?
Haruto: Yeah! Just ask your crow if they have names!
Yu: Hurry! It's urgent! You'll be raiding the mountain and the mine! Caw!
Haruto: Alright alright. Let's get going.
We see two demons in the mine.
Lower four: I'll go to the top entrance. I'll be able to take quite a few out with my blood demon art.

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...