Sorry for the late chapter. I once again lost motivation and even considered canceling the series or taking a long break. I've decided I'll continue to publish chapters and make sure this series gets to its end.
March 1st.
Yarochi: Well then. Let's get to it!
Yarochi. Dark moon four.
Haruto: Shadow breathing: Third form: Shadow hopping!
Haruto hops around Yarochi with his blade in his hands.
Haruto: Let's do it Yui!
Yui: Yeah!
Yui grips her sword and breathes in.
Yui: Ice breathing: Second form, Frozen moon!
Yui runs up to Yarochi and does a circular slash and Haruto goes for his head from behind.
Yarochi: A pincer attack huh. You two sure seem interesting
Haruto: We got him here!
Yarochi: Oasis spear. Awaken to my calling.
A spear appears in Yarochi's hands. He takes it and does a wide swing around creating a powerful wind sending them back.
Yarochi: Isn't my spear amazing you two? It'll be the death of you guys.
Haruto: Yui! Everything okay?
Yui: Yeah... We have to take a different approach!
Yarochi: You guys actually think you can beat me? Sorry. I'll live another day. You'll be the ones dying tonight.
The spear lights up with a light blue aura.
Yarochi: Oasis spear, listen to my call. My wish is your command.
Kinoku, Tanemaki, and Rozushi are all fighting these red beads in the air.
Kinoku: These don't ever stop do they?!
Tanemaki: We just have to wait for Eri and the other to kill that demon and we'll be good.
Rozushi: Wait! They're stopping.
The beads float in the air and stop exploding. They glow a brighter red that slowly becomes white with a red outline. The beads become bigger and break letting out a ton of energy in an explosion that causes a ton of damage around them.
Kinoku: They only get worse?! Jeez, give us a break!
Rozushi: Just imagine how Eri and Sunaarashi are doing.
Tanemaki: We just have to hope they succeed soon.
Three large tornadoes of the new beads come by the group. Kinoku and Rozushi grip their blade as Tanemaki pulls a kunai out and grips his sword as they all inhale.
Tanemaki: Breath of the seed: First form, Seed burst!
Tanemaki slashes the bead tornado away with his kunai and sword.
In case you don't remember seed breathing appeared in the very first chapter. The kunai and katana are lime green with a dark green liquid running down the side of the katana and covering the tip of the kunai. The liquid holds nichiriate which were explained in the first chapter.
The red beads go back as they start to deteriorate and crumble.
Rozushi: Star breathing: First form, Star cross!
Rozushi takes his blade and does a giant X slash destroying most of the beads as only six remain in his tornado.
I forgot to mention this in rozushi's first appearance but he has a pink tinted sword with a star on the side of it. The star is yellow.

The Hunter With Change. {demon slayer}
FanfictionHaruto Nakamura is a boy who's family may have a history with a secret form of the breath style. Tatara Sato wishes to protect his friends with all his strength after certain events happened. Token Takahashi wants to become a very powerful hashira a...