The eye demon! Haruto and Sumire's first mission! {Demon Hunting}

120 8 0

March 13th

Before starting this chapter I thought I'd mention that Sumire has gone under a small design change. Her hair is now longer then shoulder length and she wanted clothes from the town, so now she wears a purple kimono with a light blue haori. Now onto the chapter!

Eye demon: Wouldn't being a lower moon be great? eh?

Haruto: I'll make sure I kill you before you can become a lower moon!

Eye demon: We'll see about that!

The eye things from before go flying to Haruto. Haruto quickly slashes them.

Haruto (thoughts): It seems these are quite rapid, he's trying to wear me down so killing me will be easier. So I'll just need to close in on him.

More of the eyes appear and Haruto continues to slash at them. Soon an overwhelming amount appears around Haruto.

Haruto: Flame breathing, first form: Unknowing flame, manifest! Singing birds of the morning flame!

Haruto dashes around slicing the eyes, but one he didn't get appears behind him and is about to bite him. Until it gets smashed. It's blood spills everywhere. Sumire crushed it, she appears to have demon eyes while she still has her blue eyes.

Haruto: Thank you! Sumire! Can you take care of these while I go kill him?

Sumire gives a nod and Haruto dashes forward.

Haruto: Flame breathing, first fo-

One of the eyes shoots a laser at Haruto

Eye demon: Behold! My great lasers from my magnificent eyes! Let this breathtaking experience live with you forever!

Sumire looks around and starts slashing the eyes with her nails, which have grown longer when she activated her demon mode. Also her nails are the same color as Haruto's sword. Haruto continues to dodge lasers and cut these eyes. Sumire stares at a nearby building and for a second the blue in her eyes changes to a deep, dark beautiful purple for just a second. Sumire jumps up and enters the building.

Eye demon: Huh? That lady retreating already? Anyways, what is she? I can't tell if she's a demon or human. How weird things are.

Haruto Keeps running trying to close the distance, but the lasers push him back. Out of nowhere the lasers stop though and from the building something comes flying out. It's another demon! Sumire is there holding a column of the building as she jumps and smacks the other demon deep into the ground.

Haruto: Thanks Sumire!

The second demon climbs out of the ground. He has no skin and is purely muscular with eyes and a mouth. No bones, The muscles hold the organs together on his body.

Muscle demon: Heheheh. You've found a good one! That girl is like a demon but seems human. she must be a feast for us! and that boy looks tasty as well! Thanks for the meal!

The muscle demon jumps up and goes for Haruto, but Sumire punches him away.

Haruto: Sumire, take care of that one for me okay? I'll take out the eye freak!

Sumire nods and they both run off.

Eye demon: That lady doesn't have any nichirin on her, how the hell will she kill my partner?

Haruto slices the eyes away but then two red glows appear and they all repair themselves and multiply. The eyes all start to shoot lasers.

Haruto (thoughts): I have to pull off a technique to get past the lasers and close this distance! Remember your manifest forms! I have plenty for situations like these!

Haruto inhales deeply.

Haruto: Flame breathing, first form: Unknowing flame, manifest! Snake!

The visual effect appears as a flame on his sword that manifests into a snake of fire. Haruto bends and turns his body in ways that allow him to dodge all the lasers while closing the distance once he gets past the eyes he notices two small stands with large eyes on top on the fence edges.

Haruto (thoughts): So that must be the source of the eyes regenerating!

Haruto: Flame breathing: Manifest switch! Singing birds of the morning flame!

The visual effect changes as the snake turns into a flame that changes into many small birds. Haruto dashes to the two standing things and slices them off then cuts many of the eyes.

Haruto: Knew it! They aren't regenerating anymore! I'll close in on him!


Sumire and the muscle demon are on the back of the street. Sumire keeps punching at the muscle demon to destroy his muscles as he throws Sumire around, who surprisingly seems to be able to take the hits like nothing. She cuts away the muscles with her sharp nails and kicks the demon. The demon sees Haruto closing in on the demon. The muscle demon has its muscles stretch out and grab Haruto, dragging him back.

Muscle demon: Let's do it! Right here! Right now!

Eye demon: Are you sure?! We've never done it before!

Muscle demon: I don't care!

The muscle demon hops over to the eye demon. The muscle demon is on all fours and the eye demon puts his knee on the muscle demon's back. The entire back of the muscle demon's body opens up and the muscles grab onto the eye demon. They start to fuse but the demon's body starts to melt a bit.

Eye demon: Lower demon moon? How could I ever become one if I can't even fuse with my own body. Just imagine how I'd react to more of his blood.

???: You're right, you are quite useless. You won't be a lower rank. I will.

The new demon grabs the eye demon and pulls him away from the muscle demon, stopping the fusion. I can't believe I let you do the work yourself. The staff demon (the new demon that's appeared) shoves a yellow staff into the demon's body.

Haruto: What the hell.

Haruto grabs Sumire and holds her to keep her safe. The eye demon burns up and the smoke that leaves behind forms into a yellow orb that floats over the staff demon.

Staff demon: Also, sorry but I'll be taking you too.

The staff demon does the exact same to the muscle demon. The staff demon lifts his staff and shoots lasers at Haruto. The yellow orb above him shoots a couple of eyes out while the other stretches out and tries to grab Haruto.

Haruto: Flame breathing, first form: Unknowing flame, manifest! Snake!

Haruto dashes around as Sumire kicks the orbs causing them to crack. One breaks and it breaks into a pile of a ton of blood. Haruto then closes in and within a blink of an eye Haruto is already past the demon. The staff demon drops his staff as his arms have been cut off.

Staff demon: My arms?! I'll consume the remaining orb to regenerate faster than usua- MY HEAD TOO?!

The staff demon's head falls to the ground.

Staff demon: WHAT THE FUCK?! If I would've killed you I would've been a lower rank! ME! WHAT THE FUCK!!!

The staff demon starts to fade away.

Staff demon: Why am I like this? When I became a demon I could pull my eyes out and use them to attack others and feed on people from a far. I could shoot lasers and extend my muscles and bones. One day a powerful demon slayer almost killed me...That night my giant pool of blood formed into the muscle demon. My muscles and bones could no longer stretch. But the new body could do that even better. Same happened to me for the eye body. But why they hell do I have to be split between three bodies. Why can't I be one powerful body...why..?

The demon fades away into dust as Haruto sighs in relief. The sun starts to come up and Sumire's nails go back to normal color and shape. Her eyes also go back to a human shape.

Fun fact #3

The demon slayer that almost killed the staff demon when he got the eye demon was actually at final selection!

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