Chapter 1

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"And you're sure that's exactly what you want to do now?" I tapped my chin and locked eyes with the taller Masked Man in front of me. They seemed quite dark for blue to me, but they weren't really brown or green, anything in between.

"Of course I'm sure! I've waited 5 long years to let it come to this. Do you think I'm going to back off on that?" A sigh came out of his throat and he gritted his teeth.

Admittedly, I wasn't feeling as relaxed as it might seem right now. On the contrary, my heart was beating like crazy. My knees trembled slightly and my thoughts revolved around a hopeless situation.

"Admittedly you made it now, but why did you have to wait so long?"

"Do you think it's that easy to get to you? Your father works almost exclusively at home at the moment and he took you with him on every little trip, I'm not tired of life and I surely won't kidnap you when he's there!"

I nodded and grimaced a little.

"My father is never really around anyway, so you might as well have caught me in front of his eyes. This man sits at his laptop day and night and when you talk to him, he answers completely inappropriately."

The man in front of me huffed and seemed to be arguing with himself when I heard soft noises from him.

I tried my best to buy time, but that was easier said than done.

My father noticed long ago that I was gone. I knew that because my bracelet was buzzing. It was an electronic emergency bracelet, if I press it on purpose my location will be sent directly to my father's security. As soon as it buzzes continuously, they're on their way. Pretty handy in my opinion.

"What did he do to you, anyway?"

"That bastard ripped off my customer! I went completely into ruins and lost my entire fortune!"

I was aware that my father worked in a rather delicate company, but only because of a customer did I stand right on the edge of a 10-story skyscraper and fear for my life? A little overkill in my opinion...

"I'm sorry for you and everything, but why do I have to die then?" The man in front of me rolled his eyes.

"Stupid thing, you are his everything. Once he knows who is responsible for your death, he will hate me and regret taking everything from me."

I groaned and brushed my hair back from my face, which was constantly blocking my view due to the wind and secretly I didn't want to blame myself for my death.

"Can't you agree over a cup of coffee? It's not that difficult!" He smiled and shook his head.

"You're thinking too simply. He's supposed to get it back much worse and that's what you're here for."

My lips were now completely dry, so I was afraid they might tear. So I wet my lips with my tongue.


"No. Actually, I find it totally relaxing, I mean, who doesn't want to stand on the edge of a 10-story high-rise building and be threatened by someone just because they couldn't clear up the kids' stuff with my own father. Everyone wants to experience that, right?"

"I like your sarcasm, but a little too daring for the current situation."

"Put me down here and I'll show you my sarcasm normally."

I grabbed my top and tried to straighten it a little. It was annoying...

"I think it's time-"

"Time to release me? Okay!"

"Funny. Even though if I'm starting to like you a bit."

Grinning, he took a few steps towards me. "Last parting words?"

"Yeah, fuck you."

I smiled at that and rolled my eyes. This situation was just pathetic and ridiculous.

"Wrong words, sweetheart. I-"

Before he could even finish speaking, the roof door was thrown open and several armed people came in.

"Finally!" I exclaimed in relief before trying to get away from the guy a bit. He had turned to the whole unit and looked partly shocked.

"I could have guessed that you were behind it anyway..." My father stepped out of the crowd, visibly relaxed. Of course he was relaxed again.

His daughter was almost dropped from a skyscraper, so why panic?!

"Nice to see you again, Marco..." He pulled off his mask and gritted his teeth.

"It's a shame you have to watch it now."

"What should I watch?" My father asked, slightly confused.

"Watch your daughter-" He turned around, but all he finally saw behind him was blank. Shocked, he looked to the right and then to the left.

Luckily for me I was able to sneak to the left a few meters.

"You little-"

"Before you become abusive towards my daughter, we arrest you."

Dad gestured and made people step in front of him and slowly approach the man.

"Forget it! You won't lock me up too, I'd rather die!"

I'd rather die!

I had heard this sentence from countless mouths, it was just said there and never corresponded to the truth... Until now.

"Lisa!" My father called. However, not lovingly as hoped, but rather strict and warning.

Exactly what you want to hear after such a situation.

"Are you crazy?! You almost died!"

"Hello dad, of course I'm fine. - Oh nonsense, I'm really not missing anything, you don't have to worry. - Of course I missed you too."

Dad exhaled slowly, closing his eyes before crossing his arms. "Sorry. I was- I'm a little upset. None of this should have happened."

"You're right, and now what?"

"We're going to go home now. And I'll clarify everything else today." I nodded and followed my father and his troops.



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