Chapter 81 (Ending)

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'Dear bodyguard, if you find out now that I'm gone, then count on the fact that I might be driving in an old bus 777 km away from you, or maybe I'm sitting at the next café around the corner or I've emigrated. Don't look for me and don't find me! Best wishes, Lisa.'

Can you remenber about it? That's where our little adventure really began. That's where I started to understand that you weren't like all the other clients. We have experienced so much. So much in so little time. I have experienced more with you in this short time than I have experienced alone in my entire life. Be it how you always had to rebel, no matter what the issue was or when we worked together as a team. I had the best time with you. And only you showed me what it means to love properly. What it means to be there for each other and to forgive. What it means to live. Yes, Lisa. You gave me a reason to live properly. Our child gave me a reason. 

As a bodyguard, you become dull from time to time. The harder the cases, the harder the heart - at least that's what Sam always thought. Sam was someone who helped me a lot to overcome all of this. At the beginning of your time I was jaded and I never thought that it would ever change again. The family turned away and there were hardly any friends. This is how I lived my days and this is how I wanted to continue living them, but then you came... and you made me live properly again and for that I am forever grateful to you. Thanks, Lili. Thank you for existing. Now this adventure is over and I'm looking forward to all the new adventures with you.

It started with a letter to me and ends with a letter to you. 

Your Wife, Partner, Friend and Bodyguard 


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