Chapter 17

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We left the hotel quickly, so we stood on the sidewalk and looked over the car.

"I have to go to the bank." Jennie spoke briefly and walked off.

"Great. See you." I uttered rebuke and moved in the opposite direction but was immediately pulled back by a hand on my shoulder.

"Good joke, Lalisa."

"Oh come on, you don't want me, I don't want you. Let's go our separate ways?!"

"That would be damn nice, but unfortunately I get a lot of money from your father, which unfortunately I don't leave behind because of a brat."

"Sure, always after the money." Jennie laughed and shook her head.

"If you knew..."

She was forced to drag me towards the bank with her.

Why did she have to go to a bank in Moscow of all places? Couldn't she have done that days before, all those two weeks before? It's not as if there isn't a bank right around the corner from us at home...

Luckily, when Jennie entered the bank, she let go of my arm and walked to one of the counters. It was unclear to me how she was going to communicate there. Maybe the English of the other cavemen were bad? She was bad at Russian, so anything else would be impossible.

But unlike expected, the older man started chatting happily with Jennie.

I couldn't pick up much, but they certainly weren't talking about any money or loans, absolutely nothing like that. I heard the words family or siblings much more clearly.

Why did Jennie talk to a stranger about family and siblings? Did they know each other purely by accident?

I sighed and leaned against the wall of the room, looking down at my fingernails. I was able to take care of them again, because they really needed it.

"That's it." Jennie spoke right in front of me, which made me flinch a little.

Without saying anything else, she turned and left the bank.

"Wait a moment!" I panted after her as she had quite a step on it like she wanted to get away as soon as possible.

"Do you know that man over there?"

"No, why are you asking?"

"Because you guys talked about family and siblings." I spoke when I could finally keep up.

"You overheard me?"


"I guess you shouldn't give a damn what I do in there or who I talk to, let alone stuff like that! Mind your business and keep your nose out of my business!" She said and left me standing there in amazement.

That had the effect that she did the same to me a few seconds later and turned around in surprise.

"I certainly wouldn't have interfered in your 'business' on purpose if you had let me go! Besides, I don't give a fuck what you're talking about or with whom! I just listened to it because I was only a few meters away, I'm sorry I couldn't keep a distance of 50 meters, after all you dragged me with you! So shut up and don't yell at me, I asked you a damn normal question!"

Throwing off the little relief, I silently walked past her down the street. The little tantrum suddenly made me extremely hungry, which is why I was now looking for a café, but at first glance I didn't see anything of the kind, many more workshops or knick-knacks.

"I still want to go to the center of-"

"Nice for you, then go there, I'll look for a café now and stay there until I no longer feel your presence and it's evening, so I don't have to see you anymore, let alone do something with you."

Uninterested in her reaction, I continued down the path, looking at the various shops.

"There are a couple of good cafés in the center of town."

"Aha and you know that from where?"


"When did you google?"

"This morning."

Unbelievable, I looked around at the woman with the striking face.

"You're unbelievable..."

"I know it."

"That was meant in a negative way."

"Sure, something like." Jennie laughed, showing her way too big ego.

"Now if you lie to me about the downtown cafes, you'll be lucky if you're alive after that."

"Are you threatening me?" She asked me meltedly, raising an eyebrow questionably.

"No, it's more of a statement to you." A sugar-sweet smile came over my lips and let even me briefly believe what could be true of the statement.

"Good to know. Because I don't like threats." I nodded, rolling my eyes and waited.

"Are you taking us there now?" I asked after Jennie didn't seem to move, even close hints.

"Tell me straightaway." She mumbled a little incomprehensibly before walking off.

"That's right, I only stood here for a minute and looked at you invitingly." I mumbled a little annoyed and followed the brown-haired girl with the well-built back.

Okay, stop! This had to stop urgently. I didn't like her, I hated her. She was ignorant, selfish, selfish and just plain annoying...

However, she just looked too good, so with a heavy heart, I put less value on her monstrously bad qualities.

I've been a weird person, but what should I do? Any girl would probably stare at someone like Jennie and wish she was theirs. Although that wasn't the case for me at all.

Jennie is annoying and only makes things worse, so why would I admire, adore, or even date her?? That made no sense to me at all! Also, I liked boys more than girls, bisexual with MEN preference, so no way.

I wasn't in the category of girls who stare at everyone as soon as they look good. I really didn't need that. If someone is interested in me they can talk to me, but I would never do that in my life. Address any person because they are good, as if I would make the effort to do so.

"We should definitely be there in a moment." I heard from the front.

At least something edible now...

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