Chapter 27

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Meanwhile the time was running out for Lisa to get ready and as far as I knew, it would take some time, so I walked over from the office to her door.

To be honest, I didn't really want to enter this room. Not because I was afraid of her, but because Lisa was an unpredictable person.

I knocked slowly on her door, but there was no answer from inside, so I slowly opened the door and found a slightly dark room. Lisa was lying on the bed and seemed to be sleeping calmly, so I slowly stepped towards her. I knelt down right in front of her bed and looked at her closely.

I grinned a little when I saw the one above the corner of her mouth. Someone must have been sleeping soundly. Basically, when she slept like that, she seemed pretty innocent and cute.

"Lalisa?" I slowly tapped her shoulder, but her reaction was rather disappointing because she grumbled briefly, rolled over a bit and went back to sleep.

"Wake up, Lisa." I said louder, but again I got no response. Slightly annoyed, I stood up, leaned over her and grabbed both of her shoulders before shaking them vigorously.

"Wake up!"

I didn't even have to make sure she was awake because her short yell let me know.

"Jennie, are you stupid? You're not braining right anymore!" She screamed hysterically when I let go of her.

"No one could wake you up, I can comment on a basketball game next to you and you would go on sleeping."

"Do not exaggerate." She hissed and wanted to get up, but I was still lying over her, which is why this was impossible.

"And could you possibly move your fat body away?"

"It's all muscle."

"Hardly likely."

I grinned slightly because even though she was pissed off, she was pretty hot by these standards. Actually I wanted to suppress that but it didn't really work. In another life, maybe Lisa would be someone I would love to be with. A Lisa who is less bitchy and annoying and a life in which she is not my job and I would not be a bodyguard either, but this life did not exist and it never would.

"Actually, I just wanted to inform you that you might want to get ready. In less than 1 hour we are with Eunho and his family. Already forgot?" She looked at me with big eyes.

"Only an hour??"

After I got up from her, she jumped up and searched her closet for some clothes.

"Couldn't you have let me know earlier?" She said acidly as she turned her head in my direction.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know I had to play your mother."

It was quiet for a brief moment, which is why I looked into her eyes in confusion. Actually, I had expected a snap, but I quickly realized that the mood had changed considerably. Without further ado she turned her head away, picked up her things and left the room. I would have loved to hit myself for it, how could I forget that in such a situation.

Things certainly didn't always go so well with my mother, but at least I still had one.

A little annoyed with myself, I left Lisa's room and went down the stairs to the ground floor. In the kitchen I got myself a water because my throat was pretty dry. I sat down in a chair at the kitchen table before looking at my phone. Luckily I was able to keep in touch with Suho and Juliet. Suho had agreed to ask around a bit. Although Moscow was big, it was really rare that a black Ford Mustang was allowed in Moscow. There was a component in the vehicle that did not go through customs in Moscow. It was pretty much impossible. Now the question arose why someone wanted to risk so much effort.

Why did someone want us to find out, that we were being sniffed out? First they wanted to kill Lisa, now they were following us and did nothing, just showed us that they were there. This secret blew my mind. I had to know what they were up to, otherwise I was inferior to them.

It seemed to me that they wanted something different from the start, like they wanted something different from Lisa. But what would this bring them? What was the point of them just following us? The shadowing was far too conspicuous for a surprise attack, far too unstructured for an attempted murder.

"Jennie?" I heard a quiet voice in the hallway, which is why I got up from my chair and stepped out of the kitchen into the hallway. Lisa was already waiting for me there. To my wonder, she was wearing a light blue dress and a black cardigan.

"You should put on a warmer jacket." She rolled her eyes briefly.

"I'm once away from my dad and I'm glad not to hear his constant worry but now you start with it..."

"With a difference."


"I'm not worried about you, I just don't want to give my jacket away later." Lisa exhaled slowly and shook her head.

"Anyway, I could have basically thought so. Miss Kim doesn't care about anything, really nothing." I shrugged, turned to the door and took my leather jacket out.

"You should put on something warmer." I heard her aping behind me.

"At least I'm wearing something that isn't as wind permeable."

I unlocked the door after we both put our shoes on. I glanced outside to make sure I didn't see anyone around. After everything was fine, I let Lisa out after me and closed the door.

"Since it's only a few meters, let's walk." I determined and started to move.

"Oh great, physical exertion. That's what I was missing."

"Believe me, physical exertion is different." I winked at her and let a small grin cross my lips.

"You're disgusting!" She then hissed, which is why I looked at her in amazement.

"Do you find sports boring?"

"What?" She asked before she seemed to see the light.

"Not everyone thinks as dirty as you, Lalisa." I said grinning as her face blushed slightly.

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