Chapter 79

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I sat on the bed in despair. I didn't want any of this here. I felt uncomfortable. The room was relatively dark because the blinds were drawn down. The only thing the room suffered were the two bedside lamps and this made everything seem even more eerie. 

I knew that Dean was up to something that I didn't want at all, but I didn't know when or where, and this feeling of ignorance drove me crazy. Josh couldn't help me. His family would probably be threatened if he helped.

I wasn't mad at the people who brought me here. I still don't know who kidnapped me, but whoever it is may be threatened. Like probably everyone here. I knew Damon had nothing to do with it, at least halfway. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was someone I knew. 

"Lisa?" Startled, I looked up and saw Josh's face. 

"Josh." I said relieved and exhaled slowly. For a brief moment I really thought it was Dean. He looked at me with pity. 

"Oh Lisa. I wish I could help you, get you out of here and get you home safely..." He sighed. 

"Especially because you're pregnant... I always have to think about my little ones..." 

"Josh, he wants to rape me." I said straight out. He looked at me in shock. 

"What?" I nodded.  

"That's to be expected. He's sick, sick and crazy about me." I never thought I would literally mean 'crazy about me'. 

"But... he said he wouldn't hurt you. He just wants you to be with him." I laughed out. 

"How can you support something like that? Just what he told you is illegal and sick!" Josh nodded.

"I thought he was just in love. I hardly question anything. My family is constantly under surveillance. If I make a mistake, they pay." I swallowed. How I would love to help Josh, but I had to help myself first. 

"I can't help you but..." Josh paused and looked at the floor. 

"I know someone who can help you... your kidnapper." I looked with raised eyebrows to Josh. 

"My kidnapper? You mean the guy who brought me here?" Josh nodded. 

"Like I said, Lisa. Nobody really does it voluntarily." I nodded. 

Of course not. Josh promised to bring him to me. He wanted to come back in a few minutes.

Despite the fact that he would come back, I was still afraid of Dean. What if he came? The door opened again. My heart stopped. 

"Lisa." I heard his voice say. I looked at him in shock. No no, that couldn't be! 

"Eunho?" I said with a shaking voice. 

"You- you?" He nodded. 

"I know what I did." I laughed mockingly. 

"And you regret it?" I said incredulously. Eunho grinned crookedly. 

"No. I did everything right." What?

"But- I thought you were a friend. Eunho... you were so nice and friendly. I can't believe this." He shrugged. 

"Believe it or not. Josh, that idiot really thinks I would help you." 

Oh no. I worried about Josh. What if Eunho tells Dean? Josh would probably die! 

"What do you achieve with this?" 

"What I achieve? - Money, lots of money." Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. 

"It's always about money for you! People are so transparent!" He grinned. 

"And yet you trust far too quickly." 

That was true. I trusted way too quickly. 

"What about Damon? Does he have something to do with this?" Eunho laughed out loud.

"Damon? That idiot? He almost didn't manage to talk to you normally! How glad I am that I'm here now. You couldn't put up with his patheticness any longer." 

How could a father talk about his son like that? 

"Eunho!" Someone shouted from below. Rolling his eyes, he turned around. 

"What is it?" He called down. 

"We have a problem." He raised his eyebrows in confusion and left the room before going downstairs. 

My curiosity burst. Was Jennie the 'problem'? Was she here? I stood up and left the room before peeking down the stairs. 

"That cannot be true." I heard Eunho say. Confused, I looked closer and saw blonde hair. 

"Bella, what are you doing here?" 


"Eunho, they know I helped you... they kicked me out." Eunho growled. 

"And you can't think of anything better than to lead them straight here?" She immediately shook her head. 

"I heard Anthony say that there was no point in following me. I made sure that no one followed me." He shook his head. 

"If you didn't fuck the boss, you'd be dead long ago." Bella rolled her eyes. 

"Don't have a big face. Who hasn't managed to raise their son properly? He would have been a great help to us." 

"Oh, who we do have here?" Startled, I turned around and looked at Dean's face. 

"I-" I couldn't get anything out. 

"You've always been curious, but these are private conversations." He grinned. 

"You should be punished for this. Shouldn't you?" I immediately shook my head. No 

"I'm warning you. Don't you dare touch me." Dean laughed. 

"What are you gonna do? Jennie won't come in time and you can't do anything against me." He grabbed my arm but I fought back and bit him on the arm. He hissed briefly in pain before grabbing my hair. 

"Well wait, bitch." And so he dragged me into his room.

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