Chapter 4

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I usually really enjoyed my job and I often got along very well with my clients, but Lalisa was probably the biggest exception there was.

When Mr. Manoban said she was a bit tiresome at times, I didn't realize he actually meant arrogant, bitchy, stupid, and narcissistic.

To be honest, I didn't want to be her bodyguard either, but unlike before, I earned twice as much, which was of course all the better for me.

Lalisa was just a spoiled brat with a mouth that was way too big. No wonder they want to kill her. Honestly, who would want someone like that near them?

Admittedly, I wasn't exactly nice to her at first, but I knew what I was getting myself into and a lying mouth was definitely too cheeky for me.

The bodyguard thing started 5 years ago when I was 18 when I was training to be one. I was always the sportiest in our school, without exaggerating.

At some point my bodyguard trainer at the time noticed me and made me an unbeatable offer. From then on, my school days were understandably over for me.

I began to learn all kinds of fighting techniques, to understand what is important when protecting. After my former trainer was no longer there, I decided to train for myself, to further develop myself. Gradually, I got attention from higher people and was hired for them.

That was a maximum time commitment of 3-4 months. Mostly it was a couple of threats or people just got scared. No matter what it was, they always wanted me.

It sounded arrogant, but it was the truth.

As with my other clients, this job will only last a few months and then I'll be free again, so willy-nilly I'd get through those few months too.

Actually it was a lot of fun teasing Lalisa and showing her that I don't step on my knees to make room for the princess. Something she apparently had to learn. I give her at most 1 month until she has a mental breakdown and begs me to leave. It might sound really harsh, but even Lalisa had to learn this...

Mr. Manoban had made the guest room available to me, which I had already retired to this morning. It was one floor up and almost connected to Lisa's room. She probably didn't even know that I would sleep in this house, since she had made a halfway normal impression this morning.

Her father called me yesterday out of necessity and told me about what had happened. At the the next morning I was right in front of the door. I had to say that the guest room was comfortable, it had a king size bed, a huge closet, a dresser, a desk, had a TV and was kept simple. Everything I needed.

I spent the afternoon in bed dozing a little before going to look after Lalisa. After all, she had been very quiet for the last 2 hours. I left my room and walked towards hers. The whole house was quiet, you couldn't even hear anything from outside. I slowly opened the door of the room suspiciously and looked into a dark room. The curtains were drawn, only a small ray of light came out through the curtains. A small snore came from the direction of the bed and made me look over.

With one pillow under her head and the other snuggling, she lay under her covers and snored lightly. Smirk walked to the edge of her bed and examined her. Yep, she was sound asleep.

I turned around in a circle and examined her room. It was white with a few pink spots.

There were a few pictures on the dresser, which I slowly approached. I had noticed that I had only a few or no pictures hanging in the whole house and if I did, then only landscape pictures. A bit strange in my opinion, but every family had different preferences.

The first thing to see was a small picture frame. The picture showed Lalisa and a boy. Her boyfriend?

If that were the case then I'd feel sorry for him, after all she couldn't even begin to be endured.

Next to it was a picture with her father, her and a young woman. Her mother maybe?

I looked a little skeptically at the last picture, there was a completely different woman shown. She smiled at the camera with her straw hat and oversized sunglasses. Who was that?

A growl came from the bed, so I turn around. Lalisa just rolled over in bed and drooled into her pillow. Snore and drool? Definitely a no go.

Another door was directly to my left, so I slowly opened it. Who expected it? - A walk-in closet!

"Don't you dare rummage through my clothes, you pervert!" Twitching slightly, I turned around and saw two narrowed eyes and a sour expression.

"Inspection..." I said calmly, leaning against the frame.

"I'll tell my father then-"

"So what? Your father believes me either way, so don't worry about it. I didn't want to go through your underwear."

Lalisa snorted and crossed her arms. "OUT!"

I rolled my eyes and slowly walked towards the door. "What's the magic word?"

"Shut up and go!"

"Wrong, but because I'm still in a good mood today, I'll make it easy for you and leave this room voluntarily. By the way, you should air it out, it smells a bit like sweat."

Embarrassed, she looked briefly at the floor before pointing to the door with her finger.

"Jennie, go."

"Yeah, Lali." I left the room with a sigh and heard the door slam behind me.

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