Chapter 46

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Jennie and I decided to follow Anthony into the living room. Because Jennie was also interested in why Anthony was here. It seemed to me as if she was happy on the one hand but also a little depressed on the other. Jennie sat down on the sofa and pulled me towards her. 

"Tell me, Anthony. Except for the thing with... her... What brings you here?" Jennie didn't want to say her name, as if it were forbidden. 

"I can't just talk to you too." Anthony spoke theatrically and clutched his chest. Jennie just rolled her eyes at that. 

"We both know you wouldn't bother." Anthony rolled his eyes and leaned back in the chair. 

"All right. Actually, I was just here by chance. I'm on vacation at the moment and found out that you're here at the moment. Surprised me a little. The last one was... well, you know what I mean." He said the last sentence hesitantly. Jennie just nodded at that, but I could tell she didn't really believe Anthony. 

"Nice. I'm glad you're here." Anthony didn't seem to notice Jennie's suspicion as he nodded with a smile. 

"I'm glad too. It's been a long time since I saw you." 

Jennie and Anthony started talking a little more casually after the strange conversation. It seemed like they were talking about 'old times'. 

Despite the fact that things were more relaxed between the two of them, I noticed the tension. I knew immediately that it was me, because Anthony unconsciously always looked at me a little. His tension was written on his face. 

"I'm going up a little." I said to both of them. 

Anthony smiled gratefully while Jennie looked a little confused. I got up and left the living room. If they did talk, I didn't really care. I would find out some other way.

As I ran up the stairs and down the hallway to my room, I noticed the office door. It was only slightly ajar. A tingling sensation in my hands let me know that I really wanted to go to the office again. The last time I was there I found something behind the sofa, but I couldn't look anymore. 

I quietly entered the room before opening the door closed quietly behind me. At one point I looked around the entire room. Just as I remembered it. Jennie didn't seem to come here often... 

I slowly crouched down. My hand reached behind the rear frame. A round button could be felt. I nervously squeezed it and heard a click. I sat up again, confused. 

The sofa was slightly open. It seemed so unreal but it was true. I carefully opened it and saw a safe. You could open it through the sofa, which is why I was able to do this carelessly. There were tons of files in the safe. What were the files about?

I took out the top one and looked at the writing. 

Lalisa Manoban

It was written on it in a nice font. Was the file about me? 

I sat down at the desk and carefully opened the file. Meanwhile, I listened to Jennie's quiet voice in the living room. After all, we want to avoid confrontation. 

First impressions of the client:

That's what it said as the heading on the first page. 

At first glance, Ms. Manoban seems very arrogant and spoiled. She shows aggression and tends to violence.

Excuse me, what? I have a tendency to violence? When have I ever seriously hurt someone, let alone threatened them? The person doesn't seem to know me at all. 

Ms. Manoban has the typical characteristics of other rich clients. The specific connection to Davis Topes is unclear, but the sophistication between Mr. Manoban and Tope's industry is taken as the main cause of suspicion.

What was the text actually about? This was completely false information and also: Who was Davis Topes? 

I grabbed my hair, stunned. What kind of filth was that and why was something like that hidden in the safe? 

I got up and went back to the sage. This time I took out another file and took it with me to the seat. There was nothing on it, which is why I was slightly surprised. 

When I opened the file, a cold shiver ran down my spine. There were lots of photos of me there. Intimate photos of me in my room, for example when I had changed my clothes or was relaxing on my bed. 

I was disgusted. Really damn disgusted. Did Jennie take the photos or why did she have them? My inner voice told me that it couldn't be. She didn't know me at the time and wasn't a stalker. Again, Jennie was mysteriously sinister. At least when I met her.

Whatever it was. She had photos of me and I didn't like them at all. We may have been together, but she probably had the photos for a lot longer, without my permission. 

Without further ado, I took the photos, tore them up, threw them in the trash and set them on fire. To do this, I took the lighter that was lying on the table and opened the window before throwing the flame in. It started burning faster than expected, which scared me for a moment. The fire was quite big for a short time... 

I shook my head in disappointment as I watched the images slowly burn away. 

I wasn't sure when Jennie would look in the safe again, but until I got through all the files I didn't want her to notice. She shouldn't know I was here. So I tried to do everything as well as possible. I locked the safe again and left the office. 

This happened at the perfect time, because at that moment Jennie came up the stairs so that I could quickly rush to my room. I just prayed that she wouldn't go into the office because it probably smelled burning.

My prayers were answered and Jennie knocked on my room. I pretended to be leafing through a magazine before inviting her inside.

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