Chapter 65

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I was unsure if Jennie would really come back. After all the things that have happened, I can no longer assess him. 

I was never mad at Bella. How am I supposed to be mad at a dead woman? She never did anything to me personally but this whole situation happened because of her. Even now it's all about her and if Jennie came here it would only confirm my suspicions even more. 

What if she still loves her? Never able to get over her and that's why she ended everything. If she loved me, she wouldn't give up so easily, would she? 

From what I understand, Anthony called Jennie. Apparently she answered it for the first time too. What a coincidence. 

I would know whether she would come or not. Although I said I didn't want to know anything about it, secretly I'm curious. I want to know why the girl named Rylie suddenly shows up and says it's about Bella. 

Did she wake up from the dead or what? - Yes, I was mean in that term, but no one would hear it anyway and I had to deal with my anger somehow!

"Do you think she'll come?" I asked my brother. He was typing on his cell phone before looking up. 

"No idea. I haven't been able to assess Jennie for a long time."

"Me neither." I sighed and hung my head. 

One thing was clear: If she came through that door just because of Bella, it would be over for me. Sounds hard, but being number 2 all the time isn't nice. She would prove to me that she comes here for Bella. But not for me. Does she even care about how I feel? 

"Jennie!" Anthony shouted happily. I held my breath sharply. I didn't want to turn around. 

"Stop, you're crushing me." I heard her voice say harshly. Her wonderful, deep, rough and nerve-wracking voice. 

I turned around in a flash. There she stood, in the hallway. She looks like always. Didn't the breakup finish her off? Wasn't it bothering her at all?! 

"Jennie. It's been a long time." I heard Rylie say. 

"Rylie. What are you doing here?" She didn't sound happy but she didn't sound dissatisfied either.

"Bella, it's important." 

Jennie looked around once before suddenly looking into my eyes. Afraid of seeing how she would react if she saw me, I hid behind the couch again. She had seen me, but I didn't see her expression. Better like that. 

"Let's go up." All three went upstairs to Jennie's room. 

"Fuck, my t-shirt is still in there." 

Since I had slept there, I had been naughty there from time to time and my sleep shirt had to be there somewhere, probably even on the bed. 

"So what? Then she'll know that you slept there." Rolling my eyes, I stood up. 

"Typical you." I was about to leave the living room when Liam said my name again. 

"Where do you want to go?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I think I'll go to my room." Liam nodded and went back to his phone. 

I quietly crept up the stairs before I arrived at Jennie's door. Well, it was basically my room. I had claimed it, so to speak. I listened quietly at the door. 

"Tell me, what's important?" 

"Bella... you. Oh God, how can I say it?" 

"Rylie, calm down and try to say it in a structured way." Loud breathing was heard. 

"Okay, so Bella... As you know, she died a few years ago." 

"Yes, I was there." Jennie replied annoyed. 

"Yes, exactly. That's why the call a week ago completely blew me away." 

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked. 

"I-I couldn't believe it myself. I-I talked to her, guys! Bella is not dead. She is alive!" My heart started pounding hard. Please, tell me you're kidding me.

"Impossible. She died before my eyes." 

"If you don't believe me, she told me she would come here. To see you again." 

"Rylie, you know you don't joke with that." 

"By God, Jennie! I'm begging you. Believe me. She lives. You can get back together. Be happy again like before." I took a few steps back, overwhelmed by the situation. 

Bella is alive? Was the universe completely kidding me?! 

I shook my head and went down the stairs. No matter what else they would discuss there. It would not matter to me. In the hallway I put on my shoes and my coat before leaving the house, careful that Liam wouldn't hear me. I just needed a break.

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