Chapter 71

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Black. Everything was black. 

My heartbeat was rapid. Where was I? The last thing I remembered was walking in the forest. I was completely confused about the situation. Not only that Jennie and I broke up because of Bella. No. Bella was actually alive too! 

It was immediately clear to me that she would get back together with Bella. We were no longer together, she didn't want to be with me, she didn't want to start a family with me and she loved Bella more than me at all costs. All of these things made me feel uneasy. 

I really thought it was her. I thought she was my first and true love. I thought I would be the same for her. I thought she loved me... And now?

I went for a walk alone with a child in my stomach whose parent no longer wanted me. I sat down on a bench and exhaled exhaustedly. I've probably been gone for a few minutes, if not an hour. Would they even notice? Jennie probably not. 

"Lisa?" I looked up, confused. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked confused, looking up.  

"I went for a walk. I needed a little time break. A lot of stress lately." I nodded 

"I feel the same way." I lowered my head and unconsciously looked at my stomach. Would my baby notice how I felt? - Hardly. It was just created... 

"Are you okay? Do you have a stomach ache?" I shook my head. 

"No, everything is okay."

Somehow I didn't want to tell you. Something told me to just leave it. 

"Do the others know where you are? They're probably worried. Especially Jennie." I laughed mockingly. 

"I don't think she even noticed that I was gone. I didn't tell the others either. I wanted to be by myself. Have a little peace and quiet and not be constantly monitored by everyone." 

"You're right. That would annoy me in the long run too. Always on the run from your father's enemy." I looked up, confused. 

"How do you know?" 

"I- I'm sorry, Lisa. Really sorry." 

I just heard him before a cloth was held over my mouth and I slowly closed my eyes. And now I was somewhere in the middle of nowhere. 

"Gosh, look who woke up."

I jumped when I heard the voice right next to me. My field of vision was still restricted by a blindfold. When the blindfold was suddenly removed, bright light hit my eyes, which meant I could only open my eyes slowly. 

"Lalisa Manoban. Nice to have you here." A voice said. Dark, rough and bitter in a strange way. 

I looked around. A warehouse, because there was a lot of space here. Unknown people stood further away in the shadows of the objects. Scary if you ask me - well everything was scary here. 

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. To finally have you here. With me." 

I continued to look around, confused. Did that voice come before? 

"How rude. You can't see at all." 

A man in his mid-40s came out from behind my back. Was he behind me the whole time?

The hall echoed so much that I couldn't hear where the voice was coming from. 

"I do not know you." The man laughed. 

"Yes, a certain person never made the effort to introduce us to each other. She didn't think much of you, but I did." 


"Everything in its own time, little one." He said quickly then. 

The atmosphere confused me. I was kidnapped, tied to a chair and was currently unconscious and blind and yet the atmosphere was not frightening even though we were in a warehouse, people were standing in dark corners, my friends didn't know where I was and I've never seen this man in my life. 

"Well, doesn't everything seem as dangerous as you thought?" I looked at him a little irritated. 

"Can't you just let me go or at least say what you want?" He laughed. 

"Let you go? I just got you! Sorry, Lisa. You won't escape me again so quickly."

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