Chapter 25

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"If you both feel like it, you can come to dinner tonight, it's still a little while, you can rest and settle in a bit."

A look at the clock in the car told me that it was 11 o'clock, so I smiled politely.

"It would be nice, you just have to give us your number and address." Eunho nodded smiling and continued to focus on the road.

"We also don't live far away from you two, it's about 2 streets. The area is very quiet and not prone to criminal activity."

"That's good." Jennie spoke from behind. Oddly enough, she didn't have a problem sitting in the back, she stayed quiet most of the time and didn't say anything, absolutely nothing.

Eunho noticed this too, which is why he began to speak again.

"Why so quiet, Jennie? Are you more of the shy type?"

I laughed immediately, thinking it was a good joke on his part, but I quickly remembered that Eunho didn't know Jennie at all and couldn't judge her at all, which is why his look probably looked a little confused, and rightly so.

"Believe me, Eunho. Jennie isn't shy at all. She's the complete opposite. She's the biggest pain in the ass."

"It's funny that you are saying that." Jennie smiled and leaned a little further forward.

"Funny, really funny, Jennie. I'm laughing my ass off."

"I'm glad."

"I can tell, you guys aren't that good on each other." Eunho laughed, lightening the mood again.

"It's always like that, so believe me, you don't want to stay close to either of us in the long run." I gave Eunho the good tip before continuing to survey the highway we were on. Somehow streets were always so completely different...

"Now, right here is your house." Eunho parked his car to let us get out, which we did directly, because I was starting to miss the fresh air.

Eunho was nice and everything, however, his car smelt a little too much of leather and a hint of maple. Which was a little weird, but I didn't judge him for it. It could be that he... well works in the forest and collects maple?

"Thanks." I said politely to him before taking the last foot out of the car. Jennie had already got out and taken our suitcases out of the trunk.

"No problem. Remember, be there today at around 8 p.m. You already have the address." I nodded before I slammed the door.

"Odd guy." Jennie grumbled.

Rolling my eyes, I picked up my suitcase and walked to the house. I had made up my mind to just let Jennie fall in at the deep end, after all she was a complete idiot.

Eunho gave me the house key before we even got into the car. This, I had packed in my bag in which I rummaged now.

"Hurry up, it's pretty cold out here."

Annoyed, I groaned and rummaged further until I noticed something pointed. Grinning, I took out the part I was looking for and held it in front of Jennie's nose.


"Do it now." Jennie murmured that's why I turned around and opened the front door.

A kind of rose scent came into my nose that made me smile.

The house was beautifully designed, constructed and built like a villa one would want to live in forever.

"Wow." I breathed out of my mouth.

"What? You're used to stuff like that so don't pretend..."

"Shut up, Jennie." I sighed, put my suitcase down and sprinted up the stairs. The house actually had 3 floors, which is why I sprinted all the way to the top. Jackpot.

Upstairs was a small hallway with two doors. The first door was a study, I noticed, as it contained a brown wood table with a computer, a bookcase made from the same wood, and a leather couch with a coffee table to match. Overwhelmed by this, I closed the door again and went to the opposite room. I opened it and was even more amazed. The room was kept white and gray. Directly straight ahead was a huge walking balcony with a huge window. A box-spring bed was against the wall on the left in the corner, with a desk on the opposite side. There was a large television opposite the bed. Right next to it was a white door that I looked at in confusion. When I opened it I found myself in the middle of a walk-in closet, equipped with lots of clothes.

"I wanted the room." I went back a bit startled and looked at Jennie who was standing on the frame of the door.

"Forget about that."

"But I need it, my office is right in front of it."

"It's my office." I corrected her.

"As far as I can know, the other bedroom is on the middle level and it seems Eunho saw it that way too."

"Are you serious?" She groaned and took a few steps away.

"Now that you've heard that, please leave my room and leave me alone." I said as friendly as possible because she was getting on my nerves again.

Jennie then said nothing more and left my room.

"You'll see." She mumbled and went down the stairs.

Rolling my eyes, I threw myself on the bed and exhaled loudly. I finally had a few hours peace from Jennie and her annoying comments. The clock also told me that I would be without Jennie for about 6 hours.

I crawled under the covers and slowly started to close my eyes to escape from reality, the problems and especially Jennie and to fall into a little dreamless sleep from which I didn't even want to wake up.


A/N: I'll make this one very detailed and long.

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