Chapter 37

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And my instincts didn't lie. Everything was basically torn out, thrown over and so much more. Sighing, I went into my walk-in closet and looked at the floor to find something good in the mountain of things I had ripped out.

Luckily for me, I found a large sweater which I immediately put on. I already knew that the night was going to be long, but I didn't let that deter me.

I started in my room. Everything I was able to put away or put back in the right place found its right place again.

Then it was time for the hallway, living room, kitchen and bathroom. I hadn't checked the office yet because I feared the worst there. I didn't know if it had something to do with me or if it was a simple robbery, but every perpetrator can find something in an office. When I finally went to the office, my suspicions were confirmed, as always. I also tidied up this room with effort and strength after I found a few files. There wasn't really anything left.

On principle I would have opened the files, but I was so exhausted that I didn't pay any attention to them anymore.

My gut told me to check on Jennie because it was now 5:00 a.m. and I hadn't heard any signs of life yet.

Sighing, I walked down the stairs to her room before slowly opening the door. Jennie lay quietly in her bed. Well - at least that's what I thought, because when I looked closer I saw that she kept rolling around and grimacing. It seemed like she was having a nightmare.

"Not- no- not her..." She whimpered, so I walked towards her bed.

"Jennie?" I shook her body slightly so that she woke up.

"Lisa? Is it you?"

"No, I'm the milkman, your front door was open, so I thought I'd come in and wake you up from your nightmare while I'm here." I said and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Then you're pretty feminine for a milkman."

"Milkwoman works too." She shook her head, laughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, which made her nod.

"Do you want to tell me?" But she just shook the head. Nodding, I wanted to get up again, but one hand held me tight.

"What are you doing now?" She asked me with sparkling eyes.

"I think I'll clean up some more." She looked at me pained.

"I heard you all night long. You should rest." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Maybe I should..." When I tried to free myself from Jennie's hand, she held it again.

"Can you sleep here? With me? I feel so alone." She said so quietly that I thought I had heard her wrong.

"Me? H-here?" Jennie nodded and laid further to the right.

"I don't know, Jennie..."

"I need you, Lisa."

My heartbeat quickened. It felt like it was about to pop out. She needs me? Me?!

Without further words, I lay down in bed next to her. She carefully placed the blanket over me, so that it almost seemed to me as if it wasn't her who was hurt, but me.

I could only breathe out with halting breath. This whole situation overwhelmed me. Jennie wanted me with her. She needed me. Were we actually talking about Jennie Kim? - The person who was actually cold as steel, was mean to me and hurt me.

"What happened, Jennie? " I whispered as her face was quite close to mine.

"Nothing will happen to you, I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Promise. But now I want you to be with me, just the two of us." She carefully kissed my forehead. Jennie kissed my forehead!

I melted like butter under this touch. Her lips were so soft and delicate. So that I remembered the night. Her lips brushed mine, moved delicately over my skin and played passionately with my lips.

The next morning I woke up to cool air brushing against my face. When I opened my eyes I saw Jennie sitting on the bed. She was still in bed but her body was upright. She was just putting on her shirt, which gave me a perfect view of her defined and perfect abs. I would have liked to slowly trace it with my finger, but that would only happen in my dreams.

When her muscles disappeared under her t-shirt, I sighed in disappointment.

"I knew you were awake." Jennie laughed and looked at me, which is why I quickly closed my eyes.

"You can't pretend you didn't shamelessly take advantage of the moment to stare at my abs."

"I didn't!" I defended myself. How stupid was I?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jennie's grin.

"So you weren't looking?" Without answering, I sat up.

The clock showed 1 p.m., which shocked me at first.

"Well, I guess we both needed the sleep." She said with a smile and touched her bandage. I immediately realized that she was in pain, but Jennie wasn't Jennie without her pretending it was nothing.

"I'll make us breakfast." I said quickly so I could get out of this room as quickly as possible.

It was so strange waking up next to Jennie, staring at her, making jokes and so much more even though yesterday she was standoffish and ultimately attacked. She just acted as if nothing had happened.

I was cooking bacon in the kitchen when Jennie came sluggishly down the stairs.

"It smells good here." I turned to her with a small smile.

Why was I so happy? I shouldn't be happy at all! I should be mad at him...

I put the bacon and the rolls on the table and sat down. Jennie did this too, as she was about to take a roll I slapped her hand with my hand.

"Ouch!" She screamed like a little child and pulled her hand away, pouting.

"First of all, you will now speak plainly. You were attacked and unconscious. You didn't want a doctor. You were completely dismissive of me yesterday and suddenly everything seems forgotten and you need me? What's going on here, Jennie?" She sighed and ran a hand through her shaggy hair.

"Well, I have a lot to tell you..."

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