Chapter 6

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We got to my college just in time. Completely hysterical, I jumped out of the car and tried to get to the chemistry class as quickly as possible.

To my bad luck, this took place in the furthest corner of the campus, so I had to walk across it. Again and again I encountered students who came too late, who walked quickly towards their course or babbled wildly to themselves that this would again cause unwanted stress with the course teachers.

I didn't pay any attention to Jennie, if she was to scorch in the car from the incoming heat, then at least I would be rid of her. I also didn't want the whole school to know that a guard dog had me on a leash. I would disgust them somehow, after all I can do anything I want.

With that in mind, I took the last few steps to the course room, grinning. Still on time, as the clock revealed, I opened the door but suddenly noticed that nobody was there. Confused about this, I was looking at my phone to check my schedule when I got a message from Jennie-

Why did she have my number and was saved by me???

Confused, I opened the message to find out what the asshole wanted from me again.

Your class is in building D, first floor, room 067. Chemistry is cancelled, but you have history instead now. You are very welcome.

I pressed my forehead against the wall in frustration. That really couldn't be true! But I hadn't seriously walked through the building for 5 minutes!

A look at the clock told me that I would be late anyway, so I didn't have to walk unnecessarily. So I strolled through the empty hallways. It was as quiet and you could only hear soft chatter from the rooms. At first I couldn't get to my locker because I didn't want to be late, but since I had no other choice anyway, I went to the locker and got my things together for the day. One thing was clear, I wouldn't be late again...

When I got to the room, I sighed briefly before knocking and a 'come in' sounded. Swallowing, I opened the supposed door, which gave a soft squeak. God, how I hated that... of course all eyes were on me now and I was starting to get nervous.

"Oh Miss Manoban, nice that you visit us, what was the reason?"

Mrs. Choi was the dragon in person. Until today, I had never noticed anything bad about her, but that had now changed. I was 25 minutes late, what was I expecting?

"Sorry, I got up late..."

Sighing, she rolled her eyes and gestured that I should probably sit down on a chair. I did this quickly. In the meantime, she wrote one more comment on the list. Great... that's it for my next reward.

Dad really hated it when I was late, which is why I even preferred a bad grade. In one fluid motion, I dropped into my seat next to Rosé. She looked at me smiling slightly.

"What stopped you?" She asked curiously, but I just waved it off.

I just didn't want to tell everything from the beginning, besides I was sure Mrs. Choi would keep an eye on me this hour.

"It's a shame you were late. You missed a hot performance." I looked confused at the swarming girl in front of me.

"How so? What happened?"

"Someone new is in our class." She sighed and looked backwards unobtrusively. I did the same to her and walked down the row in the back.

No one seemed new to me except-

"Are you serious??" Rosé looked at me confused.

"Isn't she hot? Her name is Je-"

"Jennie, I know." When her name was mentioned, she glanced our way and grinned.

"Omg, she grinned over here." Rosé squeaked, which made me look annoyed for a moment.

"Don't be absurd, she's not that great." She turned completely in my direction, frowning and knitting her brows.

"Do you know her?"

"Well, I-"

"Miss Manoban?! Isn't it enough that you're late for class already? Do you also have to distract those around you?" A short sigh followed, which made me stare at my paper.

Like I said, she was a dragon. But she wasn't that wrong, but I still found it unfair to me because Chaeyoung hadn't gotten anything, not even a dirty look. No, of course I was to blame! Rosé then didn't say a word anymore, for which I was very grateful to her.

At the end of the lesson we were packing up together and about to move out of the room when the dragon stopped me...

"I'm sure you can show Miss Kim around, can't you?" Although that was probably more of a statement than a question, as I heard clearly.

Rosé looked at me from the classroom door with big eyes, I think it was slowly becoming clear that she liked Jennie...

With a really deep sigh, I left the classroom. Jennie followed me closely, which I noticed by her sudden presents behind me. Chaeyoung followed us excitedly, grinning like a honey cake horse. Crushing was okay, but not on this asshole...

"I still have to go to the cafeteria, do you want to come with me?"

I was about to answer 'yes' with a smile when Jennie came between me.

"No, thanks, but we'll see you at lunchtime." Looking a little sad, Rosé nodded and left us by going the other way.

"Oh, now you're suddenly in charge of me? How nice!" Jennie rolled her eyes and went straight on.

"Why are you even here? Isn't it enough to annoy me at home? Do you seriously still have to show up in college?"

Jennie mumbled something but I couldn't hear it over the noise in the hallways and the lip movements weren't clear either.

"I have to take care of you, Lisa. That means I'm with you pretty much every free minute."

"Don't you have lunch breaks or something? We're in college, nothing's going to happen to me here!" She raised her eyebrows and eyed me.

"Lalisa?" She started and stopped in the middle of the hallway so that I bumped into her hard back. She didn't seem to be interested, my head hurt all the more for that.

"How were you actually kidnapped?"

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