Chapter 19

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Laughing, I left the small shop after saying goodbye and let the cold air envelop my body. It was definitely too cold for my standards.

I liked the heat a bit more, it was much more comfortable and much easier to handle. The less fabric the better.

It was nice to see my family. I still couldn't believe that they were having a child together.

It was incredible to see Suho like this. He and Juliet met and fell in love when they were 18/19. At least that's how Juliet always explained it to me, but in the end it turned out that the two met at a party in New Jersey and had taken it a little too far. One thing led to another and the two had a thing. After that, fate probably spoke volumes because the two apparently met quite often by chance, so they had no choice but to like each other.

Juliet's story was probably presented more beautifully there. In the end I found both of them, even if it came across as a little unreal.

I strolled the last meters to the street, which I wanted to cross immediately when something wriggled on my jacket. Confused, I turned and looked into the green eyes of a little girl.

"Добрый день!" The little girl said. Frowning slightly, I let her continue.

"Хотите что-нибудь купить?"

She held a small box full of small trinkets across from me. They were obviously handmade but beautiful.

She probably wanted me to buy something, so I took a closer look at things.

I took out a small necklace and a small bracelet before offering them to her. She nodded slowly before I took out my purse and held out some money to her. She marveled at this with wide eyes.

Smiling slightly, I handed it to her and took the two things out.

"Большое спасибо. До свидания."

She laughed happily and excitedly jumped down the path. Perhaps one should wonder why she was walking around alone, but this was quickly clarified when she happily told a young lady something.

After packing the two things in my bag, I crossed the street. Before entering the café I sighed again. I didn't want to hear the annoying voice of said person and I certainly didn't want to see her, but for better or for worse it was my job.

I looked around the café but couldn't see her at first, so I continued to stroll through the café. She had probably taken it too seriously with the 'inconspicuous'.

"Excuse me?" I spoke to a passing waitress who then looked at me a little puzzled.


"Did you happen to see a blond girl sitting here somewhere? She's not from here either, she's Thai. She looks quite like a barbie...(?)"

The young lady pondered just before what appeared to be a tremendous flash.

"You must have been the person she was waiting for. I should give you this if you showed up."

She held a white piece of paper in her hand and gave it to me. Slowly I noticed the restlessness in me and unfolded the note.

Dear bodyguard, if you find out now that I'm gone, then count on the fact that I might be driving in an old bus 777 km away from you, or maybe I'm sitting at the next café around the corner or I've emigrated. Don't look for me and don't find me! Best wishes, Lisa.

Slowly I read one word after the other and tried to make it clear to myself what had just happened, what I was reading and what the consequences were.

"She just didn't dare to do that." I said to myself and gritted my teeth.

"Something wrong?" The lady in front of me asked.

"I- no, I'm fine, I- I just have to go." I said quickly and left the little café where Lisa was actually supposed to be sitting and waiting silently for me.

"If I get my hands on you then-" I said angrily.

She really only had one task and even that seems too difficult for her!

Grumbling, I walked the streets to find this hopeless case.

"Lalisa?!" I yelled a little while confused looks welcomed me from time to time.

It wasn't that surprising when a Korean speaker called a girl's name hysterically. I wouldn't look too pleased either.



A/N: Happy Miss Kim Jisoo Day! The love of my life and I have 11 years age gap now! 😪

And I just found out about IU and Lee Jong Suk, I mean holy shit. I've been k-drama-lover since 2016 and I wouldn't even expect this in my dreams. I'M SO DAMN HAPPY! 😭😭

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