Chapter 16

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LISA (2 weeks later)

The next morning I got up quite early and went for a shower. The hot water felt really good on my skin and let me relax my muscles and bones a little, because they only hurt since yesterday.

After the shower, I brushed my teeth and blow-dried my hair so that it had its voluminous style. I hang the towel that was wrapped around my body over the heater to let it dry. Luckily I had thought of my stuff and quickly slipped into them.

Immediately I felt the heat coming from the clothes and smiled slightly.

I picked up my pyjamas and unlocked the door to the hallway. I padded across the laminate floor in the direction of the beds with quick steps.

When I got to my suitcase, I randomly stuffed both in before I just took out my slippers, yes, I actually had slippers with me. Don't ask me how Jennie could think of that, it was beyond me...

After putting my shoes on I went to the kitchen and put some water on to make myself some tea, for the simple reason that Jennie was probably more of a coffee drinker and I didn't want to do her a favour, after all I would have been thinking along for her, so to speak .

Although I could just finish the coffee by myself, I would probably become hyperactive and I didn't want to.

After rummaging around in the cupboard a bit, I found a cup and a couple of tea bags from which I picked green tea.

I let the hot water fill the cup before I used my spoon to press the tea bag onto the bottom of the cup, because I hated it when it floated to the top.

Now it had to cool down, so I looked around a bit. Up until now Jennie was still asleep so I would assume that she could sleep a good 2 hours more, which would mean that I could be left alone for another 2 hours.

The apartment was huge, but apart from a kitchen, a bathroom, a sleeping area, a living room and a huge window overlooking Moscow, I didn't see anything interesting.

So I decided to look out and think a little about how to while away the time and have been for the past 2 weeks. During that time I just sat here and did absolutely nothing.

I didn't know how long we were going to stay here, probably not long, but I had to keep myself busy anyway and I didn't want to be in the same room with the asshole all the time anymore, although Jennie wouldn't take her eyes off me leave, but who says that she couldn't just lose me by choice? Through crowd?

I looked out with a grin and went through the different paths in my head.

"Well, are you trying to think of a plan to get rid of me?"

I jumped, startled, and turned around in a flash. Of course it was clear that Jennie was standing in front of me.

She was standing next to me, shirtless with sweatpants, messy hair, shiny eyes and a cup in her right hand, grinning widely.


I yelled hysterically and only realized 1 second ago that the blue cup with the little white star was the one I had filled with my tea.

Jennie then grinned even wider.

"How kind of you to make me tea and especially green tea, my absolute favourite." She spoke scornfully.

"You little-" But she cut me off.

"We won't be staying very long, but we could walk around Moscow a bit."

"We've been here for 2 weeks, if you don't call it long, I don't know either, but yes, I can walk through Moscow and you jump off the next cliff, deal?"

Finally, finally I was allowed to leave this desolate apartment.

Jennie just laughed.

"Either my variant or we stay here, I don't care if you get on my nerves, I can take it. But it's different for you."

"I can't stand it with you either!" I yelled upset and symbolically threw my hands in the air.

"Look who's talking." She walked away from me and calmly walked into the kitchen with my tea to put it there.

"It was yummy, but next time the water could boil a bit more."

"Just fuck you!" I said annoyed and turned to the window front.

I heard a door slam behind me, which made me realize that she must have gone into the bathroom.

I sighed annoyed and went to the kitchen. Actually, I wanted to make me new tea but the hot water was gone.

"Are you kidding me?! All the water??" I yelled towards the bathroom and rolled my eyes.

Shaking my head, I went to the bed and sat on it, her idea of ​​going out was probably not that bad, after all I had the same idea in front of her, but it will certainly not end well for her.

As if I wasted even an ounce of freedom hanging out next to some selfish, ignorant, conceited, brainless, rebellious, idiotic, good-for-nothing, stupid, childish whore. She can definitely do that to other people, but I have no mercy on me, but she doesn't really seem to understand that yet.

After a few minutes that felt reassuringly good, she emerged from the bathroom fully dressed and faced me.

"Then let's go."

I nodded silently and put on my shoes. That would probably be funnier than anything else.

"What's happening? Have you lost your tongue now?"

"In your dreams, you idiot. Please, don't think too much of yourself, it makes you sick."

"The lady apparently knows the word 'please'."

"Just shut up."

I quickly pulled a sweater over it before I opened the door and stood in the hotel corridor.

"Are you crazy?" I turned around again, confused.


"You can't just storm out of the hotel room like that!"

"And why not?!" Uncomprehendingly I looked at Jennie who was holding her head.

"There won't be anyone around the next corner with a sniper just waiting to shoot me."

"A sniper maybe not but a glock gun."


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