Chapter 7

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The question Jennie had asked me a few seconds ago echoed through my head. Yes, how was I kidnapped? - quite a good question.

"Like a person gets kidnapped."

"Yes, but-" An announcement interrupted Jennie and left her open-mouthed.

Dear students, the lists for the elective courses are now on the bulletin board in the entrance hall. We ask that you fill in the form correctly so as not to cause any difficulties.

I grinned and pointed to the speaker.

"That was my cue."

With quick steps I passed Jennie's shoulders to go to the entrance hall. Probably a huge gathering there now, which would mean I would wait the whole break here for my turn. So I wouldn't have to dodge any of her questions.

"Lalisa, I asked you something." It came out behind me, slightly annoyed.

"Yes, and I have something to do which is more important than answering your stupid questions."

"They're not stupid just-"

Arriving at the entrance hall, I placed myself directly behind the people. The question itself wasn't bad, but the answer was all the more so.

A bit upset, I arrived at the bulletin board earlier than planned.

"Are you running away or did you just want to get to the board quickly? - although option 2 isn't really your style." I heard a familiar voice next to me laughing slightly.

"Kook, we both know that option 2 isn't me." I turned to the black-haired handsome boy on my right and gave him a conspiratorial grin.

"So you're running away. From who?" Jungkook looked around with his brown eyes, he was tall enough to see above the crowd so that really wasn't a problem for him.

"Brunette, tall-"

"Green eyes and broad shoulders?" Nodding, I stared at Jungkook, who slowly started to grin.

"Good selection, really good selection." Jungkook stroked his prominent chin and let out a sigh.

"Why do you always get the good looking ones?"

I shook my head with wide eyes. "Believe me, it's far from it."

To be honest I lied in print. Of course, Jennie looked damn hot and if she wasn't my bodyguard, there might have been something between us, but as I said she was responsible for me and was a real pain in the ass, so I guess that fell through.

"Would you like to enjoy lunch together?" Laughing, I nodded and looked back at the bulletin board.

"I don't know what to choose..." Sighing, I pulled out a pen and slowly stroked the forms.

"Let's do this, because I don't know what to take either, I mean let's decide for each other, okay?"

I slowly nodded and started to grin secretly. Jungkook would get something funny, I put my hand in the fire for that.

"Finished?" I nodded and looked into the meaningful face.

"Then I really hope that you want to continue living, because if I have any shit I'll have to kill you, Lisa."

"The same goes for you, Kook."

"Who wants to kill whom here?"

Without wanting it, the little hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Slightly startled, I turned to Jennie, who was now standing very close behind me.

"Nothing, he just said so, Jennie, so shut down."

"You don't just say you want to kill someone, so-"

"Don't you have to check the location? Somewhere over there, far away from me?"

"If I were to walk away, I would have to kill him here-" while pointing sternly at Jungkook, who now looked stunned and held back a small grin. "With a 99.9 percent chance."

"Then refer to the 0.1%."



She rolled her eyes and looked at Jungkook again. "1 minute and I'm standing right here."

"3 minutes and you stand 30 meters away."

"1/2 and 15 meters."

"2/1 and 25 meters."

"I don't negotiate."

"Neither do I." I pressed my arm against the locker just to my right and looked meaningfully into her face.

"Fine, you get 2 minutes and I keep 20 meters away."

"But-" Before I could even protest how unfair it would be, a hand covered my mouth.

"Thank you, Jennie."

Jennie turned to Jungkook sullenly and threw her hand away in a sign-like manner.

"I want to leave her at least one boyfriend."

"Shut up, Jennie." She didn't grin when she saw my anger. Then she disappeared and stopped if not 10 meters away from us and turned to a locker.

"Cute girl." Jungkook laughed lightly.

"It has absolutely nothing to do with cute!" I put my hands on my hips, it was clear that Jungkook had something against me again. We never really agreed on something, but that's what made this friendship so interesting.

"Oh come on, you don't want to admit to me that she doesn't look good enough for you to eat." I immediately shook my head.

"She's my bodyguard!"

"That's why, they're always the best, besides, she has to 'protect' you, you can use that to your advantage. What if you want her to sleep very close to you in a bed and you then get up very easily-"

"Don't you dare to say that, Jeon!" I said warningly. You have to give this boy one thing, he really was messed up to the pointless every minute... of course you get used to it, but in moments like these you would rather have a different character trait.

He punched me lightly on the shoulder before the bell rang.

"I have physics now and you?" I thought for a moment until my mouth sighed itself.

"Art, jeez, how I detest this subject..." Jungkook grinned and shook his head.

"You are something else, Lisa, others are happy about art and you?"

I shrugged and looked back at Jennie who was walking in our direction.

"Off to art, I would say."

I looked at her startled. "You have that too?!"

She then grinned and shook her head.

"Lalisa, I have every subject you have at any hour."

Dear Bodyguard | jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now