Chapter 68

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"Tell me how you survived that." I asked her after we had walked a few steps.

"Okay." She breathed heavily.

"I thought I was dead too. I don't know exactly how I survived but the doctors said it was pure luck. According to the doctors, a warehouse worker found me after a few hours. The fact that I didn't bleed out is a mystery to them to this day."

"And- and the child?" She looked at me disappointingly.

"Didn't make it. They were happy to get me through at all. Sorry, I always imagined a family with you... and then this." I just nodded.

"Everything has a meaning somewhere."

"Yes, but now we have each other again."

"More or less." I muttered to myself.

Of course it was nice to have her here again, but you had to get used to the idea.

"Where have you been these years?" I asked further.

"The years? Uh- I was with my family. I needed to recover from the whole shock."

"And why have you never written to me, looked for me or done anything?"

"Oh, Jennie. My family didn't want that. They now live in Sweden and they thought it was good that I stayed there for the time being."

"So many years?"

"No, after that I went back to America. I lived my life there for the time being." I nodded. 

"How did you end up calling Rylie and how did you even find your way here?"

"Well, I felt ready and Rylie was the only contact that was still right. I found my way here through Sam. He told me where you were." I nodded. 

"Oh. Then we can be happy that Rylie's contact was still correct." 

"Yes, we can..." She snuggled more and more into my arm.

"I'm a little cold." She explained before we moved on. 

"And you? What have you been doing these years?" I sighed. 

"I did my job. Finished assignments, met all sorts of people and so much more..." 

"Sounds pretty monotonous." I nodded. 

"It was." 

"Who is the girl everyone is worried about?" Bella asked curiously. 

"Her name is Lalisa. I work for her." 

"And what is she like?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I don't talk to her much. She's often annoying and quite self-absorbed." 

"Ugh, really seems like a bitch." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Might be."

"She is pretty?" 

"Well, it's always nicer." Bella then laughed. 

"Oh, Jennie. Poor you. Why don't you just finish this job instead of dealing with her anymore." 

"I earn well." 

"Still the same old Jennie." I nodded. 

"The years weren't exactly suitable for a change in character." 

"That's right. Sometimes you need the right person to change." Bella looked over at me and smiled at me. 

"Yup. You need the right person to realize who you are and how you can change. Sometimes even for the person."

"Shall we sit on the park bench?" I nodded.

"Have you met anyone new during that time?" I asked, looking at her. Embarrassed, she looked at the floor.

"I'm embarrassed... No. My heart has always belonged to you and no one else has ever come close enough to it."

"And you?" She asked, looking closely at me.

"No, most of the time the girls just weren't of good taste or didn't meet my standards."

"I was always the only one who managed to do this. Glad to hear it's still the case." Bella moved closer.

"I'm really glad that we're here right now. In this moment, in this place."

"Yes, it's pretty nice here." I said neutrally.

"No." She said and started laughing. She took my chin in her hand and pulled it towards her.

"I mean us here. At this moment. Together. I missed that." She paused briefly.

"I love you, Jennie." She said, face getting closer to mine. She closed her eyes and brought her lips closer.

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