Chapter 77

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After I got dressed, Josh led me back. Josh was the person I felt most comfortable with since I was captured. It was probably because he was the most human. 

"Good. Not a minute late." Dean grinned at us. Josh nodded, squeezed my wrist lightly again before leaving me alone with Dean again. 

"We have to go, my beautiful." 

"I'm not your beautiful!" I said tartly. Dean just grinned and shook his head. 

"I like you best like that anyway." He grabbed my arm again and pulled me towards a black BMW. 

"Do you like it?" Rolling my eyes, I didn't answer. Dean accepted this without any further afterwords. He held the door open for me and guided me into the car. I had no other choice.

He jogged around the car and got in the driver's side. 

"So my pretty one. Now let's get going." Dean said to me and smiled. 

"I'm looking forward to it." I said clearly sarcastically and rolled my eyes. 

He started the engine so that it hummed. I had to admit the sound wasn't bad, not at all, but I would never tell him that! That would just make his shitty character even shittier. 

"Why can't you leave me alone? Why me?" I said after a few minutes of silence. I wasn't looking to start a conversation with him but I wanted to know why! 

Dean didn't look at me for a few seconds. He finally had to concentrate on the highway. Then he gave me a quick sideways glance.

"Because you're the only thing I could never have. Because you're the only one who can even love. Because you're you, Lisa." He said with a warm smile. 

If I hadn't heard what he said, I would have almost thought he was a simple boy making a sweet confession to his girlfriend. But I heard it. Every little word that came out of his mouth and it was sick! 

"You're sick. So fucking sick." Dean grinned. 

"You repeat yourself far too often." 

"That makes you way too hot." I grimaced in disgust. 

After what felt like hours, I woke up from my sleep. I fell asleep while driving. A jerk woke me up. 

"We are there." He spoke joyfully. What was he so happy about

I looked around. A large house stood directly in front of us.

When Dean got out I did the same. I wanted to know where I was. 

"Do you like it? This is our shared kingdom, baby." 

"Do not call me that." 

"Alright, babe." I looked at him angrily. 

I wish Jennie was here. I wish she knew that the child was hers and I wish she would hold me in her arms and never let me go. 

Dean suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the entrance. 

"Ready?" I didn't answer. He unlocked the door before opening it and pulling me inside with him. 

"This is it. Unbelievable, isn't it?" I looked around, it was really fucking big and beautiful. He suddenly grinned. 

"You like it, good!"

"But for now I'll show you our bedroom." 

Oh sure, now he shows me- Wait. Our bedroom? 

"I think you made a mistake. You probably mean my bedroom." My hope that Dean would nod and apologize for the promise practically vanished when he laughed in amusement. 

"No, my darling. We have a shared bedroom. You are mine after all." 

"I don't belong to you and don't think I'll sleep in the same bed with you. You realize that I will never love you!" I shouted at him. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"You will love me. A lot." I laughed out. 

"You're sick. I love Jennie. Jennie is the woman I will always love. You can't even get close to her!"

"Believe me, my pretty one, soon there will only be me and you. Without anyone else. We're going to start a family and get married." 

"I definitely won't marry you or start a family with you!" He grinned. 

"Funny, I heard family planning is coming to an end and things are starting to get practical." I felt my heart sink and my face turn pale. 

"I won't sleep with you!" Dean laughed again. 

"Believe me after a few times you'll like it too and until then you won't be able to say anything against it."

He didn't want to- He didn't want to rape me, right! 

"If you even dare to touch me, then-"

"What then? Jennie won't help you. You can't do anything against me! You are my possession!" 

He was sick, just sick.

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