Chapter 67

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I continued to stare at her. It was her. It was actually her. 

"Omg, Bella." Rylie said breathlessly. 

I still couldn't realize it. She was here. Really here. 

Rylie walked towards her and Anthony started moving too. Only I stood there. Liam came into the room. He looked between me and the other three, confused. 

"Is that Bella?" Rylie turned around and nodded. 

"Thank you so much for bringing a lot of drama into this house. I hope you are happy." Rylie and Anthony looked at Liam in shock. 

"Dude, you can't-" But Liam stopped him.

"You don't seem like that to me now! You ruined your right when you didn't pay any attention to Lisa this whole week and pretty much rejected her even though she needed you. You had better disappear from morning to night." 

I blinked several times before I understood Liam's words. Anthony had ignored Lisa and just been gone all day? Surely he knew he was supposed to protect Lisa? 

"Is that true?" I asked Anthony. 

"Jennie, I-" 

"Save yourself." I said angrily. 

"Oh no, you're not mad now, Jennie! You set this all up so don't you dare get mad at Anthony." Liam said in my direction. 

"Guys?" Rylie asked confused. 

"Could we take this moment to greet Bella?" Liam rolled his eyes. 

"Yes, Jennie? Don't you want to give me a hug?" Bella asked with a big grin. I slowly walked towards her. 

"Actually not." She looked at me confused. 

"Please? Jennie, we haven't seen each other in so long!" 

"Yes, because you were supposed to be dead, but now you stand before me in flesh and blood. 

"It's a long story..." She sighed. 

"Yes, it has to be long, as long as you made me believe you would be dead." 

"Oh, Jennie-" 

"Hey, I don't want to interrupt your great reunion, but has anyone seen Lisa?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Wasn't she with you?" 

"But then she went up for a moment and somehow she didn't come back." 

"I'll take a look. Maybe she's in her room." Anthony said quickly before running up the stairs.

"We could go for a little walk. Talk a little about the old days." Bella suddenly spoke again. 

"Yes, that's a great idea!" Rylie exclaimed happily. Rolling my eyes, I turned away from the two of them and waited for Anthony. 

"She's not upstairs." He said when he got back downstairs. 

"Her shoes are gone too." Liam added, looking at the empty space where Lili's shoes probably stood before. 

"Or we'll go to the cinema. There's such a great film." Bella continued. 

"Did she perhaps go for a walk?" Anthony asked.  

"She knows that she shouldn't go out alone anymore. Especially given her situation." Liam spoke. 

"Jennie? Are you even listening to me?" I turned to Bella, confused. 

"Sorry, but I was just listening to the two of them. Liam's sister is gone and we're worried."

"She probably just went for a walk." Bella said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"We should go look for her." Liam was already putting on his shoes. 

"Okay, I'll come with you." Anthony said. 

"Yes, me too." I interjected. 

"What? Jennie, we want to revive the old times. The boys just take Rylie with them. Too many are not good anyway and 3 people are a good balance." I exhaled deeply. 


Bella knew nothing about me and Lisa's past and it was none of her business. It would probably just upset her anyway. 

"Nice." She called happily and dragged me by the arm towards the exit. 

"It's going to be great." She said excitedly. 

"Yes, definitely." I replied. We left the house together and stood on the street.

"Have fun." Rylie waved to us before we went our separate ways. 

I looked back one more time before concentrating fully on Bella. Hopefully they find Lisa...  

"And what do we want to do now?" She asked, hacking into my arm. 

It was strange. To see her smile again, to see her standing in front of me... it was incredible. I had always imagined it. To hold her in my arms again. And now? Somehow it was different... 

"I don't know. Maybe go for a little walk?" She nodded immediately. 

"Good idea."

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