Chapter 36

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"Butter or margarine?"

"Butter, definitely." It came out of Damon's mouth, causing me to laugh briefly.

"Good, otherwise I wouldn't have spoken to you again."

The few hours that Damon showed me around the city were some of my best times. Turns out Damon wasn't what I thought he was. Actually, not at all. That was probably because of his good looks. Like it was with Jennie...

The difference was simply that Jennie was an asshole and Damon wasn't. At least not yet.

In the car, on the way back, we talked about the most banal topics and for a change, it wasn't anything serious. When we arrived at the villa, the lights were no longer on and it was only now that I noticed that it was slowly getting dark. That was probably more than 'a few hours'.

In the end it didn't matter because Jennie could have written to me and asked me where I was. I wouldn't have responded, but a sign that she was worried would have been nice.

"Thanks Damon, it was a nice day."

There was a short, awkward silence before I wanted to open the car door with a flourish. Exactly... wanted. Unfortunately, Damon hadn't unlocked the car, so I banged my head against the window trying to open the door.

A short laugh came from Damon before my car door unlocked with the button.

"Thank you." I said embarrassedly and opened it. Before I closed it, however, Damon stopped me.

"Take care." I nodded, slightly confused. Damon couldn't possibly know anything about my current situation. Everything was hidden from everyone except Jennie, my father, Eunho and me.

"I will." I said perplexed and closed the car door.

The way to the house felt far too short because in no time I was standing at the front door.

Sighing, I took the key out of my pocket and opened the door. The house was pitch black so I could hardly see anything. So I looked for the light switch, but I couldn't find it. I exhaled muffledly and dug my cell phone out of mine before hanging it up. I put my bag on the dresser, which I found using the flashlight on my phone.

As I shone the light through the house, my breath stopped. I immediately turned to the wall and searched for the light switch until I found it. As the light illuminated the room, I stood there in shock.

"Crap!" The entire house was devastated. Shelves and flower pots knocked over, dishes thrown out of cupboards, furniture thrown over and so much more.

"Jennie?!" She came into to my mind immediately, which is why I called out desperately. However, I got no answer.

I hurried to get over the broken and fallen things to look for Jennie. The kitchen was the first room, but I didn't find her there. The next room was the living room, where I actually found what I was looking for. Jennie was lying unconscious on the floor, with tons of blood flowing from the left side of her stomach. I immediately ran to her and supported her head by placing it on my knees.

Her entire shirt was covered in blood. How much had she already lost?

I looked around for some substance to stop the bleeding, but there was no sign of anything. Why wasn't there a blanket or something else here?

Without really thinking about it, I took off my T-shirt and pressed it to the wound.

"Jennie? Can you hear me?" I asked close to her ear. I didn't want to scream anymore, I was too anxious for that, and I didn't want anyone else in the neighborhood to hear anything, otherwise everything would be blown up.

After a few minutes she actually seemed to move, so I looked upside down into her face.

"Please say something." I begged her and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Her hair was disheveled and yet it was so beautiful that I wanted to reach through it.

She slowly opened her eyes, making me scream with joy.

"God, Jennie Kim, you're alive!"

"Jennie is enough too." She whispered quietly. She probably felt like joking in every situation.

"You idiot. I'm worried here and then something like this happens." Jennie exhaled slowly and loudly before she tries to get up.

"You're bleeding from your stomach. We should stop the bleeding completely first and since you're awake now, I'll get some bandages." Jennie just nodded before I put her head on a pillow since she was on top of me until now.

With quick steps I went upstairs to the bathroom and got the first aid kit. I would ask her how and why everything here was so devastated after I know she was fine. Now I didn't want to burden her with questions.

Back at Jennie's, I sat next to her and got a bandage and a compress from the first aid kit.

I put the compress on her wound, but first I took my now red T-shirt off the wound.

A short hissing sound could be heard, but I couldn't pay any attention to it now. She just shouldn't bother.

Once I had everything tied up well, I helped Jennie up so I could support her into the bedroom. I carefully laid her there and put the blanket over her.

"Take a break. I'll go clean up."

"It's a shame, I really like the view right now." Jennie said, grinning scornfully. At first I didn't understand what she meant, but when I noticed her gaze at my upper body, I remembered it.

I immediately put my hands over my bra and sucked in a sharp breath.

"Look away immediately." Jennie laughed again.

"Shall I tell you something? I even know what it looks like underneath." She was obviously referring to our one night, which was just yesterday.


I quickly left the room to go upstairs. Even on the way there there was devastation everywhere, I didn't want to imagine what my room looked like...

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