Chapter 31

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A door slammed. I immediately woke up and listened more closely. Apparently Jennie was finally out of the bathroom so I could go in now.

Suddenly I forgot the button, the sofa and everything that had to do with it and left the room. I was just too tired and wanted to sleep. When the hallway was quiet, I padded down the stairs and into the bathroom.

Unfortunately for me, the bathroom smelled of Jennie, which was no wonder considering she was in the room and had showered. While this smell was quite appealing, I was pissed at Jennie. Everything she had done. So I opened the window to get the smell out of the room. I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. With my arm I felt the temperature until it was perfect.

As I stood under the water, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm water pearls pattering on my body.

How did I even end up in such a situation? It all started when this guy kidnapped me and Jennie ended up being hired.

Why at all? Can't my father just be a normal working one? I'll give up the money for my own sake, and this way I can live without fear, worries and above all without a bodyguard!

I sighed and shook my head. That's how my life was. I did enjoy it up to a point though, now it's hell. I don't even have a degree...

After another 2 minutes of shampooing and rinsing my hair, I exited the shower and dried my body. Then I smeared it with a body lotion that happened to be in my closet. Eunho had really thought of everything and I was more than grateful to him for that.

After applying lotion, I brushed my teeth and blow-dried my hair so that I could put it up in a bun. I also removed the residue of make-up before I slipped into the warm slippers and left the still warm bathroom. It was much colder in the hallway, so I hurried to get upstairs to my room. There I just wanted to get into my bed and pull the blanket far over me so that everything negative bounces off and I don't have to worry anymore.

I wanted to dream of something beautiful, something that would make me smile the next day leaves. That would be incredible, although I'd probably be in a bad mood again in less than 10 minutes. Just because I would realize that I would have to look Jennie in the face again. Rolling my eyes at the fact that I had ruined my own imagination, I entered the room that I could now call my own for an indefinite period of time. Finally a retreat again.

My bed was already waiting for me very patiently, so I closed the door with quick movements and walked towards my bed. I swung the blanket away with my hands and literally jumped into the cozy bed. I pulled it up to my chin so I was wrapped in warmth. + I sighed contentedly and snuggled even more into the bed. Now all that was missing was a nice dream and this night would be halfway saved.

"Where are you, Lisa?"


"Come back to me, dear!"

"I don't want to!"

"Lisa, come back! It's too dangerous."

"Catch me!"

"We're not playing now, please come back!"

"No! You have to catch me first!"

"Lisa! It's not funny anymore! Come back."

I ran on and on along the road where the beautiful cars roared by.

"I can't run that fast, Lisa."

"But! Come catch me."

I kept running down the street on my little feet. Loud horns could be heard. The rain pattered on my hair and left a pleasant refreshment there.

"You'll get all wet. Lisa, let's go in somewhere. Where it's warm and beautiful."

"No! I want to play catch in the rain."

A few passers-by looked at me in amazement and some stopped to look after me. Did they want to play too? If they wanted to, they weren't allowed to! It was my game, all mine!

A small lake could be seen on the asphalt.

I absolutely had to go in there! I wanted to jump in there so the water jumps up high. As always! When there was nothing to see for a short moment, I jumped onto the road to get to the lake.

"Lisa! Get off the street." I heard her call out.

There was a murmur, but I wasn't listening. I ran towards the lake.

I saw a light from far away. It wasn't bothersome to me, but I noticed it. Undisturbed, I splashed in the little lake and laughed about it.


I noticed that the light was slowly coming closer and looked there excitedly. A car with its headlight.

A little blinded, I sat down next to it and watched the car. The lights were so bright but so beautiful.

"Lisa, go away!"

I saw her trying to run faster. But she couldn't. She was a few meters away from me and was trying hard to come towards me. So she wanted to play catch after all. I got up laughing and clapped my hands.

"You want to play too? Yayy!" I shouted happily and waited for her to come towards me faster. Then I would trick her and run away.

"Lisa, get off the street." She kept shouting.

Did she see through my plan? I stopped. She must be thinking that's not my plan!

The headlights weren't that far away now. More and more people stop. How come? They weren't allowed to play!

She was only a few meters away. I started grinning and just waited for the right moment. I then jumped the few feet away from her just as she was about to grab me.

"Ha! Not caught!" I yelled. But before I knew it, the light was suddenly pretty close.

Noise... People screamed.

I blinked in confusion when I lost sight of her and the car stopped a few meters later.


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