Chapter 45

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As we trotted along the sidewalk, I thought about what we could do. I wanted to get to know Anthony better. Not only because he was quite interesting as a person, but also because Anthony knew more about Jennie. Maybe I would learn a few things that way.

"Anthony-" I started. Antony turned his head to me after he had just looked around the area.

"Would you like to go to the park?" I approached carefully. Anthony stopped and began scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. His blonde hair was messy on his head, which I only noticed now.

"Don't you think Jennie would want us to come back?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"She wanted to do something anyway. Don't you think we can stay away for a while?" I looked shyly at my hands.

"If you want." He said smiling. I nodded happily before we both continued walking side by side.

"Tell me something about yourself." Anthony started the next topic which made me laugh nervously.

"There's actually nothing to tell about me."

"No? I thought this was going to be a typical drama story where it's always about how bad you feel." He said ironically. I paused, eyebrows raised.

"Oh, so that's what you think?" A small smile played on my lips.

"Not me." He raised his hands innocently.

"And that sentence 5 seconds ago?" Anthony started smiling again.

"There's the park in front. Come on!" He asked me, successfully diverting the topic.

Rolling my eyes, I started walking again. Anthony was funny and I felt really comfortable with him. Finally there was someone who distracted me from this whole situation. The entrance to the park had a gate. The path was paved and there was always a bench on the edge a few meters away. In the middle of the park, as I suspected, was quite large. A bridge led to the middle of the lake. There was a small area with railings and a small roof.

"It's so damn beautiful." I gushed.

"Yes, it is." Anthony whispered admirable.

"Would you like some ice cream?" He suddenly asked me, looking at a small ice cream stand.

"Sure." I nodded, smiling. We went to the small stand together. We both ordered chocolate.

"Don't say it's your favorite." Anthony grinned.

"Yours too?"

"Incredible." I shouted theatrically, holding my hands in the air.

We sat down on a small bench near the lake us and watched the ducks and swans.

"Tell me. Why are you here? Not that would be bad, but it comes so suddenly." Anthony didn't seem happy about the question, but I could tell he wanted to tell me.

"Let's put it this way. Jennie needs my help. She just doesn't know it yet." I looked at him confused.

"Should I understand that?" Anthony shook his head.

"No." He smiled. "-You really don't have to."

I nodded silently and looked back at the water when my phone started to vibrate.

"Let me guess. Jennie?" Anthony spoke in my direction. When I looked at my phone, I just nodded.

'Come home. I've been alone for too long.'

"Jennie wants us to come back." I said with a sigh.

Then Anthony just nodded and stood up. He finished his ice cream while I was still there finishing my waffle.

"Your Jennie must be longing for you." Anthony joked, poking me in the side.

"Stop it!" I said quickly and started laughing.

Anthony stopped his car in front of our house. However, neither of us got out right away. Contrary to what I thought, I turned to Anthony and smiled at him. I smiled a lot today...

"Thank you for your time. I really had fun and didn't feel completely monitored." +Anthony also started to smile.

"Felt the same way. The way Jennie told me about you back then, I never thought you'd be like you are now." I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"What did Jennie say about me?" I asked interestedly and raised an eyebrow. However, I knew immediately that Anthony wouldn't answer me.

"You're just too curious." He said briefly, put his hand on my shoulder and shook laughing his head.

"Let go in." He then continued and asked me to open the car door. I immediately nodded, unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the warm car.

"Now hurry, otherwise Jennie will get strange appearances." Rolling my eyes, I continued walking and opened the door at the entrance.

"We're back." I called through the house and listened quietly. The television seemed to be on and something was simmering.

"Jennie!" I shouted through the house. At least she can answer.

"Yes! I'm in the kitchen, love!"

Laughing, I took off my shoes and jacket. Anthony did the same and followed me into the kitchen. Jennie stood there and seemed to be cooking.

"Are you cooking?" I asked confused, looking over her shoulder.

"Surprised?" Jennie turned around and started pulling me into a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" I asked laughing and hugged her back.

"I just missed you. It's so lonely here." At least the Jennie I liked was back.

"I told you." Anthony said behind us before sitting down at the table and looking at his phone.

I didn't want to kiss Jennie in front of Anthony, but since he was on his phone I didn't see a problem with it anymore. Which is why I took her face in my hands and placed my lips on hers for a brief moment.

"I had forgotten how beautiful this is." She said slowly after opening her eyes again.

"Stop it, you clingy witch." I lightly her her chest and shook my head with a smile.

"You're into it."

"Guys, I'm still here." Anthony interrupted us and looked up from his cell phone.

"You can continue your dirty talk somewhere else." He smiled before leaving the kitchen.

"I'm in the living room, so if you want to do anything, please don't do it in the living room!" He emphasized again.

"Idiot." I said, laughing softly before returning my attention to Jennie's lips.

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