Chapter 75

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"Nervous?" Damon asked me as we sat in the car and I drove at full speed to the location.

"Of course! Lisa should be there! Believe me, I'm going to punch that idiot in the face, whoever it is!" Damon nodded.

"Could you please call Anthony and Liam." Damon looked at me confused.


"Anthony is a friend who helps me and Liam is Lisa's brother."

"She has a brother?" I nodded. Damon took my phone that was on the shelf between us and tapped on it.


"2407." He typed it.

"Is this your birthday?" I shook my head.

"Lisa's birthday?" I shook my head again.

"Whose birth-"

"It's not a birthday and before you try to guess anymore... It's the day I became Lisa's bodyguard." Damon blinked several times.

"Wow." He said, a little surprised.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"I didn't expect you to be so cheesy. You're a real romantic." Rolling my eyes, I shook my head and smiled.

"Just shut up and call them both." Damon laughed for a moment before nodding.

If we weren't in such a predicament, I would even say that Damon's company would do me good. But we were in an awkward position...

"Hey, no, it's Damon. Yes, please what?" I looked over confused. 

"Jennie, I swear to everything I love, I had nothing with Lisa!" He said excitedly and looked at me with wide eyes. 

"What?" I asked confused before it occurred to me. 

"Oh... yeah, everything's fine. I know that." I said with a smile. I should have captured his facial expression on camera. He breathed out in relief. 

"Fortunately." He returned his attention to the cell phone. 

"Next time you can tell me straight away! - Yes, we are currently driving. - No. - No, to the warehouse. - My dad... - I'll send you the address. - Yes, see you then." Damon hung up. 

"Who was it?" I asked curiously. Rolling his eyes, he put the phone back in the tray. 

"Anthony. He has the nerve to crack jokes in a situation like that." Damon got upset. I just smiled. Anthony has always been like that. 

"Here on the right." Damon pointed out to me. I looked at the navigation system, confused. 

"We should keep going straight here." Damon shrugged. 

"I know we have to go this way because dad always turned right at this sign. One thing I can remember at least."

"Okay." Damon would know where we had to go. 

We continued on the road. By now we were pretty remote from the city. 

"It's pretty strange here." I said and looked around. Who's building such a long road? 

"This is where all the warehouses are." Damon pointed his finger further to the right of the street. That's where I saw warehouses in the distance. 

"And which one is your dad's?" Damon looked that way for a while. 

"I think the one at the very back." I nodded. 

"Good. We must be careful. The warehouse could be guarded." Because of this, I parked a little further away. 

I turned off the car and left. Damon was following me as I could tell when I saw him next to me at the trunk. 

"Just don't be scared." Damon looked at me confused when I said this, but he didn't get to say anything when I opened the trunk. 

"Oh holy-" Damon held his breath. 

"That was actually meant to be sarcastic. I didn't know you were afraid of guns." I looked into the trunk, which looked more like a weapons depot. 

"Jennie, those are weapons!" I looked at him confused. 

"I know?" I took out two compact weapons. 

"Two?" Damon widened his eyes. 

"Damon, don't crap in your shirt and pick up a dirty gun. I hope you know how to deal with it." 

"Oh well..." 

"Damon." I admonished him. 

"Okay, okay." Damon grabbed the second gun and put it in his waistband behind his back. 

"Okay, stay behind me. Back me up. If someone comes from behind, shoot. You can shoot in the leg or in the left shoulder as seen from you. With the right one you would most likely hit the heart with your accuracy. Don't do anything I don't tell you." Damon nodded and wanted to go but I stopped him.

"Remember. These people have weapons that they use without hesitation." 

"Understood." I walked past him and we finally sneaked off.

It was relatively quiet on the property. Dark and quiet. Not a good mix. 

Damon followed me every step of the way. We hid behind objects to avoid being discovered but... there was no one here. 

"Something's wrong here, Damon." I whispered to him. 

Damon nodded in confirmation. We continued to advance. Of course we wouldn't take the front door. There was a back entrance that we headed for. The door wasn't far away, but we had to walk across the square. Without cover and vulnerable. 

"We'll run over on the count of 3." Damon nodded. 




We ran across the square to the front door. Nothing stopped us. No bullets, no screams... nothing. The place remained quiet and empty. 

"Be prepared for anything. 10 men can stand there armed. Find shelter and shoot the men. Try not to hit Lisa." 

"Sure." Damon said, getting ready to open the door. 

"Come on!" I shouted as best I could in a whisper. We stormed in. 

I expected everything. A room full of armed men. A room with only Lisa. As soon as we approached, they would approach us from a corner. A room with just the kidnapper and her. But that... I would not have expected this. An empty warehouse.

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