Chapter 72

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"I still don't know who you are and what you want from me." The man, whose name I didn't know even after half an hour, took a chair and sat down directly in front of me.

"My knee is starting to give out." He said amused, leaning his two elbows on his legs to support his head. Was he even aware that he had me kidnapped?!

"First tell me something about yourself, Lisa." I laughed mockingly at him.

"Like there's something you don't know. Am I right?" The man in front of me looked at me with a weird grin.

"You're so smart."

"All right. I'm Dean."

"Yeah yeah." I said disinterestedly and looked around. He shouldn't even think I was paying attention to him.

"Look at me, little one." He jerked my chin back.

"I have so much to tell you, so pay attention to me." He said in such a strange voice that it sent a shiver down my spine. It sounded friendly. Too friendly.

"It's a coincidence that Jennie, of all people, is your bodyguard. This is how I get my revenge."

"What does Jennie have to do with it?" Dean shook his head.

"Unimportant, my pretty."

"You don't know how long I've been waiting here. I think it was fate that I should only get you now. Now that you're so grown up. So mature." I looked at him in disgust. Who said mature about that?

You had to be honest about one thing. He looked pretty good for his 40s. He had deep, full black hair, a black 3-day beard and dark eyes. He was trained. You could see that through his black tight-fitting shirt. Was I really sure if he was 40? At first I suspected this, but when I took a closer look...

"Do you like what you see?"

Completely in a trance, I didn't even realize that I had been staring at him.

"You didn't think I looked like that, did you? You probably imagined an old sack, a beer belly, an unkempt look and a belt with a gun on it." I nodded in a trance.

"Well, reasons lead even pretty people to take such measures."

"I don't understand..." I whispered. He didn't seem like a criminal to me and yet... yet he was.

"Well then, I guess we should start with the story, shouldn't we?" I nodded. I finally wanted to know why I was so important.

"I was 10 when you were born." I blinked, confused. He knew me from birth?

"My parents knew your parents. In any case, I was immediately impressed by you. You were so beautiful... even as a baby. Of course I didn't know what kind of feelings I would develop."

"What feelings?" He grinned.

"Strong feelings, my love."

"You do realize I was a baby, right?" I asked disgusted.

"Of course not until you got older. Unfortunately, my parents left town after 5 years. My world collapsed. I hadn't seen you for 3 years. It was hell for me. I moved back when I was 18. Back to you. Eunwoo was 8 at the time..."

"Eunwoo? You knew Eunwoo?"

"Yes. After separating from her husband, Susanna was blown away. She also had Eunwoo on her hands. Her self-esteem clouded her mind so she actually started dating an 18-year-old." I opened my eyes in shock.

"You had something with Eunwoo's mom?"

"Not only that. I lived with them. To be as close to you as possible. I could see you clearly through the window. You liked playing with Eunwoo in your garden, didn't you?" I looked at him in disgust.

"You're sick."

"No, I just love."

"In any case, you were getting older. I knew at some point I had to come out of hiding. Because the boys now noticed how pretty you actually were. So I decided to launch an attack on you. The person I paid wasn't supposed to actually hurt you. She was supposed to scare your father so much that he sent you away with your bodyguard. He did it. Thanks to your aunt, I was always up to date on what was going on with you."

"My aunt? How- how did you do that?" He grinned.

"A young boy can even convince an old lady."

"You had an affair with my aunt?!" He shrugged.

"It wasn't nice, but I did everything for you."

"Anyway, I started stalking you. Until Jennie made a mistake and he did. Although I wasn't enthusiastic about your relationship, it helped Jennie become careless. Just like with Bella." I groaned in annoyance.

"Of course Bella." He looked at me with amusement.

"You don't like her, do you? Come to terms with the fact that she and Jennie will get back together because you are mine. It was quite easy to convince her. All these years she still longed for Jennie. Just like me after you." He paused briefly.

"She did get on my nerves, but you had to give her one thing, you can have a lot of fun with her." I grimaced again.

How could Bella even love Jennie when she was fucking someone else?

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