Chapter 61

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LISA (the same morning)

By the time I got out of Jennie's room, I had laid down in my bed. However, I felt uneasy again and somehow something didn't feel right. I got up and went to the bathroom. There I brushed my teeth and got ready for the morning. I suddenly felt sick, so I quickly ran to the toilet. Before I knew it I was throwing up. 

An uneasy feeling began to emerge. Am I going to get sick? That would be really, really inappropriate... 

To be on the safe side, I decided to go to the doctor. Clarity was simply better. I put on my shoes and left the house. I didn't tell any of them. Why? What should I say? They would worry too much anyway. Luckily there was a doctor not far from here. A woman smiled at me at the registration desk. 

"How can I help?"

"Hello, my name is Lalisa Manoban. I need a checkup. I think I'm getting sick." The woman nodded and let me sit in the waiting room. 

After about 10 minutes it was my turn. The doctor let me in. 

"So Ms. Manoban, you don't feel so good?" I nodded. 

"I've been feeling a little queasy for the last few days. I threw up today and somehow I feel so weak at the moment." The doctor wrote it down and looked at me again. 

"Other complaints?" I shook my head. 

"Is your period regular?" 

"Yeah-" I stopped. When should I have my period for the last time? This week... right?

"Except for this time. I'm about a week over it, I just realized." He nodded and wrote it down.

"Ms. Manoban, have you had sexual intercourse recently?" I nodded to this question, a little confused. 

"I would like to do an ultrasound." The doctor pushed my shirt up a little before spreading a slick measure on my stomach. 

"It's a little cold." He then ran a device over my stomach and looked at a monitor. 

"Ms. Manoban, congratulations. You're pregnant." I looked at the man in front of me, a little shocked. 

"No, right?" But he nodded. 

"It's only about 6 weeks old. Pretty fresh." I swallowed. 

"Thanks." I wiped the gel away before pulling my shirt back down.

"Please go for examinations more often. Something like that is important." I nodded and left the room. 

I smiled to the woman at registration before leaving the house. Pregnant... 

Of course, I was pregnant by Jennie, but how was I supposed to tell her? Especially now in such a shitty situation...

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