Chapter 50

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"Lucas is so confused. I haven't seen that in a long time. He forgets so much, sometimes doesn't do his tasks properly or does other things. I think a girl has driven him crazy." Anthony laughed quietly before shaking his head. 

I looked tensely at my watch. I didn't even listen to Anthony for half of the conversation. Where is she? No one needs 10 minutes to go to the toilet. Anthony looked confused for a moment. 

"Were you even listening to me?" I looked absently at the clock again. Where is she? 

"Hello?" Anthony swung his hand back and forth in front of my face. 

"Sorry. What did you say?" He shook his head. 

"What's up?"

"Lalisa has been gone for so long." Anthony turned his head to the side. 

"You're usually for like hours on the toilet." Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. 

"But not Lisa." I stood up and looked in the direction of the toilets. 

Lisa was nowhere to be seen. So I decided to check on her. Without really paying attention, I opened the ladies' room. 

"Ma'am, is there a problem?" A waitress called attention to herself before I could even enter. 

"Look, my girlfriend has been gone for over 10 minutes. I'm worried." 

"You must be a little paranoid." Was she serious? 

"Now listen to me very carefully." I closed the ladies' room door before I put myself in front of her. 

"My girlfriend hasn't been here for 10 minutes, I have my reasons to be worried. I'm not paranoid. Call for Lisa and if she really isn't in there, I'm right to be worried." 

The waitress blinked in confusion before nodding. Rolling my eyes, I waited for her to enter the women's room. 

From inside I heard her say Lisa's name deeply. About 4 times. Then it was quiet for a moment. I waited tensely for the young lady to come out again. The door opened and as expected she came alone. 

"Maybe she went out." I laughed bitterly. 

"Don't act like that. I was justifiably worried. Now I have to find her first and thanks to YOU, ​​I've lost time." The woman seemed a little embarrassed before she whispered something I couldn't understand and left. 

With quick steps I went back to Anthony who was looking at me expectantly. 

"She's gone. We have to find her." 

"Oh dear." Anthony immediately jumped up and followed me out of the café. 

"Where could she be...?"

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