Chapter 3

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After a long thought about what I could finally do, I decided to watch TV. Unfortunately my dad had unscrewed my TV in my room last month. I probably overdid it a bit with the volume.

Since then there has been nothing on the wall, only the frame around my TV, which has been covered with dust and dirt. I move to the living room passage and threw myself on the couch. The remote control was to my left, which I used to pick it up.

I typed through the individual channels a little bored, but today the television seemed to disappoint me. Nothing interesting seemed to be going on, really nothing! So I decided to watch a movie. I really had enough of those and some I hadn't even watched yet. Maybe today would be the perfect chance at a movie marathon.

I went to the adjoining closet on the wall to the right of the large flat screen TV and rummaged through the individual film criteria.

"Romance? Please don't lick around each other... Thriller? Not today. Horror?"

Why not? Eventually I had some good DVDs. But I had already watched most of the movies, which is why I examined the series category. A small grin broke my lips as I pulled out AHS. I always wanted to start but never got around to it. With happy steps I went to the TV and put the DVD in the DVD player.

I sat down on the couch and leaned against the cushion, which took a lot of pressure off my back. Now it was more like a series marathon, so much better. But before I could start, I realized something was missing. I immediately stopped the intro and jumped off the sofa.

In the kitchen I hopped to the cupboard on the right front. I opened it excitedly and took out the popcorn. Nothing beats popcorn in series!

I put it in the microwave, it popped up little by little. A wonderful scent came out when I opened it, I took out the bag neither burned nor scorched. However, I had forgotten that the bag itself was still hot and dropped it in shock. Excessively annoyed, I groaned and picked up sporadic grains. Luckily for me, more or less, only a few had fallen out.

I prepared a bowl and poured the contents of the bag into the bowl. Since it was sweet popcorn, I sprinkled some more salt on it and made my way back to the living room.

I was a fan of salty but also sweet popcorn, so why not both? It turned out that this really is my favorite variety.

I continued playing the intro as soon as I sat on the sofa. I was just sitting on the 10th episode of the 1st season and was blown away by the series. It was just fun to look at. Above all, I took part in some extreme situations.

"What are you watching?"

I jumped up, startled, and turned around.

"Please, fuck off." I hissed at Jennie, who was standing right behind me in the doorway.

Groaning, she entered the living room and sat down on the chair. "American Horror Stories then?"

"You're seeing it or are you too stupid for that and now get out of my living room."


I rolled my eyes and continued to focus on the series. She can stay here as long as she doesn't annoy me.

"It was a pretty cool series."

"Yes, I want to watch it now, so shut up."

Jennie sighed calmly and fell back in the chair. She didn't really seem to be leaving for the next 20 minutes... too bad.

"Let's see something else. I've already seen that."

"Oh, did you forget? My house, my furnishings, my television, so my rules. Besides, I'm definitely not going to cheat on the staggering one and watch it later because of you." I looked at her snidely through my brown eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her slowly trying to grab the remote control, so I grabbed it tightly and hugged it to me.

"Don't even try, Jennie."

"For you, it's Ms. Kim."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Fine." She got up from the chair and moved towards the hallway. Slowly grinning, I turned around and was about to appraise my victory when she turned around again.

"The whole family dies and they are locked in there forever. Also, Tate completely sucked at winning one certain girl's heart."

My face lost the victorious grin and my face fell completely. I looked at her in shock. No, no, no!

"Nooo!" Groaning, I buried my head in my lap and sighed.

"There you go." She told me smugly.


Without further words but with a mocking grin she left the living room and left a disappointed Lisa behind. Listlessly, I got up from the sofa and took the disc out of the television. I would just keep watching the series if I forgot how it ended. That would happen with my memory in about 3 months.

Somehow I would get back at this little whore, at some point there would be an opportunity, I was quite sure of that. I put the empty bowl in the dishwasher because I didn't feel like doing the dishes anyway.

After that, I trotted up the stairs to my room and flopped down on my bed. At least my room was free of idiots far and wide.

A knock, however, ended the momentary silence and made me hum into my soft pillow, into which I had tucked my entire face to escape from it all.

"I'm going to the company first. I'll come back around 8 p.m., Ms. Kim, and you can get to know each other a little in the meantime." It sounded from the direction of the door.

I looked up briefly and saw my father standing at the door. "You know that I don't like her, so don't even bother trying."

"Lisa, don't act like that. You're not five anymore." My father said with a sigh and left my room.

"You're right, but she..." I mumbled to myself and pulled my covers over me. If I couldn't escape from her in the house, I'll just sleep a round. Maybe it was just a dream and I would wake up soon and everything would be normal as usual.

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