Chapter 78

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"Fuck!" I shouted desperately across the living room. 

"Jennie... we'll find her. Then it wasn't the right address." Rylie spoke soothingly. Well at least she tried.

She turned to Damon, who was standing a meter away from us and looking out the window. 

"Are you really sure that this was your warehouse?" Rylie addressed Damon. 

After a few seconds, Damon turned around with a thoughtful expression. 

"100% and I think they were there too. The boat wasn't there. Do you remember, Jennie? The hall was empty. Just too empty. Why would my father take his boat out of the warehouse? - Either he goes fishing or he needed the space and at this time of year I strongly assume the second mentioned." I nodded. He was right about that. Taking a boat trip at this time of year wasn't really the best idea. 

"But how did you know we were coming?" I wondered. I looked up at Damon again. Could it be that- 

"Hey! Don't look at me like that. I had to help dad with the kidnapping, but thank God I didn't have to do anything else." He said indignantly and relieved. 

"Yes... sorry. I just want to find out who it is." 

Frustrated, I threw myself into the armchair. Feeling Lisa's desire in my arms again was unbearable. I wanted to be able to feel her soft skin again, her gentle kisses and I wanted to take care of our baby. 

"Maybe-" But Rylie was interrupted because the doorbell rang. 

Confused, I looked at Liam but he just shrugged his shoulders. Rolling my eyes, I went to the door and opened it. I would have preferred not to do it. 

"Jennie!" Bella called my name joyfully. Rolling my eyes, I moved away from the door and went back into the living room. 

"Don't tell me-" Liam started but Bella interrupted him.

"I was thinking about the two of us spending a nice evening in a restaurant." 

"No time." I said bluntly. Bella looked at me confused. 

"Why do you keep rejecting me like that?" I gave Bella a fake smile. 

"You do realize that Lisa has disappeared?" Bella nodded. 

"Yeah, she probably just disappeared because she needs attention." Bella shrugged. My collar was slowly bursting. 

"Okay, let's go out then." I said smiling. Bella grinned. 

"Well, go ahead!" The others looked at me in disbelief.

"Okay then, let's go quickly." Bella said and adjusted her jacket before she turned around and wanted to go. 

"But before we go-" Bella turned around, confused. 

"I would love to know why you told me that you were staying with your family even though they haven't had any contact with you for years and now live in Germany, as Sam was able to tell you even though he didn't know anything about the job because he had retired, how come you were able to reach Rylie, after all she has a new number and the last thing I'm most interested in, how do you know Lisa's last name if you've never seen her, let alone known her." Bella looked at me with wide eyes. 

"I-I- Jennie, it's not like that-" I interrupted her. 

"Stop lying! You had something to do with the disappearance. I don't know what, but it's your fault that she's gone!" Before I could even react, Bella ran out.

I wanted to go after her and confront her but Damon reacted and grabbed my shoulder. 

"Leave her, she doesn't deserve you running after her. I think whoever kidnapped Lisa left Bella behind. She has no place to go. That's enough punishment for now, right?" I gritted my teeth. 

"I would love to do so much more to her." Damon looked at me with a slight smile. 

"Believe me, we all want that. We all want revenge for things that cannot be undone. But revenge is not the best solution. We need to focus on finding Lisa." I nodded. 

Damon was right. It was time to find Lisa.

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