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Chapter 226

"Fei Xiaomo's face looks very natural at first glance." Some audience members said with a smile when they heard the conversation between the two.

"That's right, we usually don't do much research on fine-tuning, and we can see at a glance that Xiao Fei is really a natural beauty."

"Before Xiaofei didn't show her face, and Shi Jiumei's fans still said that Xiaofei was ugly. If you praise Shi Jiumei like something, there is nothing more beautiful than her. Now I don't know if her face hurts or not."

"I'm not a fan, but Fei Xiaomo is indeed more beautiful." It's not even worse than a star.

"Hey, Xiao Fei has shown her face, and let Sister Shi Jiu be arrogant again. Relieve!"

"It's really embarrassing who is ugly now."

Shi Jiumei didn't expect that in the end, she actually asked Ye Fei to take off her mask!

"Are you satisfied now?" Ye Fei said coldly, her eyes full of sarcasm.

Although she has already made a choice, can the choice she made voluntarily be the same as being forced to make a choice by Shi Jiumei?

Indeed, she has to show her face sooner or later, it is impossible to hide like this for a lifetime.

But if it is her own initiative to choose, she can have the opportunity to choose a more suitable time.

Instead of being chased by Sister Shi Jiu like this.

Ye Fei looked at Sister Shi Jiu coldly, not concealing her disgust at all.

However, no one felt that there was anything wrong with Ye Fei.

Being forced by Shi Jiumei all the time, who can keep a good temper?

If you didn't go up and slap her, it's all good training.

Shi Jiumei didn't expect Ye Fei to be so beautiful.

Even if she doesn't want to admit it, she has to admit that Ye Fei is really beautiful.

She is so beautiful that Sister Shi Jiu is jealous!

Ye Fei didn't show her face before, and she thought she was ugly, so she deliberately created a sense of mystery.

Who knows, this is the result!

"I've solved your doubts about showing your face." Ye Fei said coldly, "And then you questioned my cooking skills again?"

"Actually, I also expected it. The reason why I signed up for this competition is because you asked the water army to blacken my cooking skills before, saying that I didn't dare to show my face because I was ugly, and that I was not good at cooking. The dishes made according to my method are not delicious at all, and they even said that I hired someone to do the work." Ye Fei said.

Many in the audience did not know the truth.

"So, I'm here to prove myself," Ye Fei said, sneering, "At the end of the audition, I won the 11th place, and you are advancing on the 50th place."

"Today, I won the first place, and you were eliminated." Every time Ye Fei said a word, it was like a slap in the face of Shi Jiumei.

"Now you're not convinced again, questioning the results of the competition, questioning the professionalism of the judges." Ye Fei said coldly.

Shi Jiumei blushed: "Don't give me a hat! I didn't question the judges!"

"I have a total of 120 votes, of which 30 were given by the judges. The audition results were also judged by the judges. Now that you question my grades, aren't you questioning the judges?" Ye Fei suddenly increased her tone.

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