Matilda Pink introduction

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POV: Matilda Pink (Matty).

Hey Buddies, It's time for my introduction.

Yeah, as you already know, I'm Matilda Pink, everyone calls me Matty, which I prefer is the best. I hate my name.

Seriously, it sounds like an old people's name.
Actually, it's not only my name that I hate most. I hate many things in this world.

Let's see what and all I'm hating.

First, I hate myself for being born as a girl (not that I hate them) I envy Boys, many times I wish I were a boy.

They have no problem at all, they can live their own life without thinking about others, and they can be bold whenever they want. Unlike me, shy like shit.

I wish I can hold myself back when I'm feeling angry, but I couldn't! Which results in hurting others, which I absolutely don't like.

And the next thing I hate is my eyes. I have an eye of white clouds with small grey pupils. Its like an eye of Ghost.

Seriously! An eye of ghost, I planned on putting on converse to hide it and that's what I'm doing so far, so that no one knows my real eyes except my parents.

And the next thing I hate is my hair. It's a colour of fire, not totally red, but not an orange. It's weird, I know. and the way it falls on my face, I really hate it.

I couldn't style my hair the way I want, because it never stayed the way I want It's like a noodle which is half cooked.

If I try to put a ponytail, the rubber band will stick in my hair, so I will end up wearing a hoodie and cover it up by making my hair as a bun. And to conclude, I hate myself.

Then the next thing I hate is my family, (except my brother). Yeah, you guys will be surprised, but yeah, it's true that I hate my mom and dad especially relatives, and why.

I'll tell you my mom's a psycho therapist, yeah one of the famous therapists. Her name is Angel Pink. For everyone she is a sweet person, like really sweet.

She doesn't know how to hate someone or how to hurt someone (which is what I do usually) She's very caring to everyone including me.

And now you'll all be wondering like, why the hell do I have to hate her.

And I hate her because she doesn't know the limits for anything. If she's happy, she shows it like It's her end of the day, and if she's caring, she shows too much to me.

She will not let me to be alone, always sticking with me like a glue. And when I'm eating and when I'm full and at the time when I'm getting off of the table, she put another bowl of food in front of me!

Seriously I hate it to the core, I'll tell her "It's enough, I'm full" She will act like she didn't hear me and make me to eat another bowl.

And I'm not the type of girl who loves to go on a date. Actually, I hate that concept of date and everything.

But as she's my mom, she'll make me to go to the Blind date, which I hate the most. And I'll end up shouting at her. That's why I hate her (I also have another main reason, that you'll be knowing in upcoming days).

And then My Dad, his name is Daniel Pink. He was a chief commander in the military.

When I was 5 years, he left to military and came back only when I'm 14 years old. Now I'm 17 years. He shows me too much love just like my mom. He doesn't know the limits to anything.

He'll calls me by the nick name 'Puppy' uhh! I hate that name.

Seriously! who calls her daughter 'Puppy' Of course my dad will. I've even told him not to call me that, but him being him used to call me by the same name.

When he calls me like that I wanna punch the wall but will end up shouting him too. As I already told you my parents are way too caring, so they wont scold me for my character and continue doing the same thing, which annoys me.

And now my brother. His name is Theodore Pink. In this whole world, I love only two persons, and one of them is my brother Theo. Yeah, I love him too much, he is the only person who can understand me exactly, but sadly he is not with me. Yeah, he is in Army as a Commander.

He left for military at the age of 17 and he is 21 years old and all these years I haven't saw him and not even a phone call. He used to call me Matt, which I like a lot. No one else called me like that yet.

He exactly knows what mood I'm in. So, and was only friend I've ever had, but my friend and my bro is not with me.

I miss him so much, that one day I've packed my things and to meet my bro at the age of 14. As me being child hadn't realised that I don't have much money to travel. so, half way through, I called my parents (Because I don't know who to call) and they got me home.

It's been years I still miss him the same. And yeah, this is my family. I know, I'm acting like a B***h to my parents, but what to do, I can't help it though I'm trying to hold myself back, but I couldn't. after all, they deserved it.

And yeah, I've told you I love two persons in this world, The second one is Nyle Waters!

What do you guys think about Matty? I'm telling you, you guys will love her!✌️

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