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POV: Nyle

POV: Nyle

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Final semester

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Final semester

"That's all for today, and Students the final day for the submitting the project is Monday, just a reminder! You may all leave!" Ms Emily said casually, making all the students groan. Seems like they haven't finished the project yet.

'Too bad, I have already finished it' I thought smiling to myself. Ms Emily gave two months' time still the MF's haven't finished yet.

"Nyle? The project... I haven't even started yet!" Orange said beside me and added,

"Remind me when we get home!" she said taking my hand, getting up and turned to leave, That's when I noticed it!

Uh oh...

I quickly went near her...

"Orange" I whispered near her ears, she was startled by my voice

"Nyle ca..." she started but I shushed her by putting my fingers on her lips

"Quiet! just follow my orders, walk straight" I whispered. All the students started leaving the class, Fortunately we don't have other friends to pester us, It's just the two of us.. Excluding the Jason guy, but no trace of him today. And about the others, No one tried to talk to us neither did we.

She was still confused but started walking ahead, I guided her using her shoulders so that she won't bump on anyone!

"Turn right and walk straight" I whispered again

"Is this kind of a joke? 'cause if this is? I'll kill you!" she whisper yelled.

I laughed at her reaction.. 'Angry bird!'

"It's not a joke, now turn left!" She went just as I said, I opened the door and let her in... As the students left for their respective classes the restroom was empty. I opened a stall and let her in before me,

"Nyle are we inside a restroom?" she asked her cheeks started getting pink... I wonder what are her thoughts now, I smiled and shook my head

"Give me your bag" I asked, she gave it after a long confused thought

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