Tie-Phil plan

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POV: Matty

Currently I'm getting ready to go to Phil’s house, I accepted to go because I want the best for Gust.

Though I just met her a week before, I can really say that she is amazing girl, and that her love was deep. So, I wanted to help her love, to become her love.

So, that’s what I’m doing now.
As far as I know, Phil seems to be a nice guy a really nice guy, who will be suitable for the amazing girl like Gust. So, as a friend it’s my duty to do what I’m about to do.

But still I’m a bit confused as if, why he hadn’t asked his friends help? My Nyle would give better solution. ‘Maybe he would’ve thought you know about Gust more, as you are a girl’! My subconscious reminded me.

‘Yeah, sometimes I forget that I’m a girl’ I replied subconsciously to my subconscious

At 4:45 I’ve gotten ready and went downstairs.
Unfortunately this house is far from here and as a result I can’t walk. So, I would have to ask my dad for ride (Which I never did) I can walk though, I just don’t want to, as I’m in the process of making up with my parents.

I went downstairs and saw my mom and dad playing with Zulu. I cleared my throat to get their attention which I earned immediately.

“Oh, hey Matilda, Do you need anything?” my mom asked me somewhat surprised

“Uh…I…um…dadineedaride!” I said in one breath

My dad and mom looked at me confused
“Is that English, pup…uh.. Matty?

I glared at them as they can’t understand, but calmed myself

“I need a ride Dad” I said slowly this time and looked at him

He was surprised, surprised as if I said I’m a lesbian. For some seconds both of my parents hadn’t said anything

“Uh Mom? Dad?” I called to get them back to earth.

They both looked at each other smiling happily
“Yeah pup..Matty, come lets go” my dad said standing up happily

“Um, aren’t you guys gonna ask ne where I’m going?” I asked slowly
I could hear the sound of their smiles

“Oh my.. can you tell us? my mom asked on the verge of tears

I’ve never talked to them like this before, All I did was shout, snap or any angry comments. That’s what the reason for their surprised faces

“Um, I’m going to…. my friend’s house, his name’s Philip Abraham!” I said to them and added

“And no, he is not my boyfriend, he’s just my friend” I informed them before they could think something else.

They’re surprised as if how did I know exactly what they’re thinking and nodded nonetheless .

And then me and my dad went to Phil house within 10 minutes

“Thanks Dad” I said as I got off the car

“No need to thank me Pup…um…Matty, call me when you’re ready I’ll pick you up, Ok?” he asked hopefully, I nodded making him smile heartly and then he left

I looked at the house before me, It was a cute kind of house, not too big yet not too small. Perfect for a family just like the name ‘Abraham’ though I don’t know them personally.

I looked at myself, I’m wearing a hoodie a Brown one and again covered my hair and I hadn’t forgotten to wear my contacts, which was a relief.

After few seconds of checking myself and rang the doorbell, considerable seconds past, the door opened revealing a lady with yellow blond hair, she was at her late thirties, but she looked kind of bold and kind at the same time.

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