I hate you!!!

15 4 6

POV: Nyle

“Is your sister alright?” She asked looking at my direction,

I was dumbfounded

“Is my sister alright? Are you kidding me?” I scoffed
“um, no?” she said confused

“You’re trying to make me feel more guilty by asking about her wellness, this is absurd! Concentrate on yourself. She’s my sister you don’t have to worry about her!” I said a bit angrily
She was taken aback by my response so didn’t say anything,

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have put it that way. What I meant to say was take care of yourself first, Lea have my parents to take care of her. She’s alright, she must be alright, and she will be alright!” I said my voice breaking at the last word.

“It’s alright, I’m alright now, you can go see your sister she needs you more than anyone” She said. Though I can say that she really mean it, her voice betrayed her mind

“No! I will not leave until I know you’re alright”

“I’m telling you I am alright!”

“Until I know you’re really alright”

“I’m really alright!”

“Why are you so stubborn?”

“Why are YOU so stubborn?”

“I will not leave! Get it into your head or if you want me to.. I’ll…!”

“Ok, I need water” She said out of the blue

I was taken aback by sudden change of her mind, but quickly recovered, and got up from the chair and gave her the bottle of water with opened lid.
She drank half of it and returned it to me, I placed it on the table and sat back

“It’s the first actual real conversation we ever had” She said as a matter of factly

“No it isn’t” I reminded her

“What?” she asked confused

“Yeah, this isn’t the first conversation  we ever had, remember the time I taught you Maths? That was me being me! So technically it’s the second one!”

“I see… I didn’t know that!” she said and added

“But really, how’s your sister? I want to know”

“Why do you even care?” I asked, to which she was silent. So I continued,

“To be honest I don’t know, all I know is that she’s admitted in the hospital. Mom said she needs medication, I should’ve been with her taking care of her. But here I am thinking how to get revenge on you. I’m so stupid” I said hanging my head

“I agree with you on the last part!” She said making me laugh


“Yeah…Its obvious!” she said trying not to laugh

“For a person who made you loss your eye… you’re being too nice to me you know? I thought you’re gonna at least slap me…” I said looking at her

“Stop saying it’s as if its permenant! And also you got a punch from Theo, want to remind me of that? How’s your swelling?” she asked nonchantly

“Here I am thinking you were nice to me. Indeed I am stupid!” I said smiling

“And once I again I totally agree with you!” she said nodding her head



“You’re really not angry at me?” I asked
She was silent unitl,

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