Party 1

39 8 2

POV: Matty

As we got down from the car, I looked around the house. There are many cars (Expensives) and I saw people AKA students talking to each other in front of the house.

And to say they’re wearing party dresses will be understatement. They all looked like they’ve came to an Oscar Award function.

Fuck, its just a school party right?

It must’ve taken them the whole day to put on their makeup and to dress themselves.

Well, if they like it and of course, they can. I’m no one to judge them.

After looking everyone, I’m sure of myself that I’m literally underdressed, but as I said I don’t care. This is me!

And to say the truth, I’m a bit nervous. I don’t know why. ‘Don’t lie, you know why’ my inner voice said.

“You’re nervous, Why?” August asked standing behind me

I looked at her and shook
my head ‘No’

I was about to walk towards the house, when August grabbed my wrist and turned me to face her.

"Matty, Don’t tell me this is your first party?" she asked

I looked at her for a while, thinking whether to say the truth or should I lie? And I decided to tell her the truth. Because, she is my only friend, and I know the consequences, if I say yes, I’ll prove her that I’m indeed a loner!

“Yes” I said thinking that she won’t judge me.

“Yes what?” she asked

“Yes, this is my first party August!” I stated

she looked at me for a while,
“Well, Ok then! Anyway this is also my Nth first party” She stated, to which I laughed a bit

“Matty” she called me again, with a stern voice,

I turned to look at her and saw, she is having a serious face, I thought that she’s gonna tell me something really really important, because her face was like that,

“I told you not to call me August!” she said seriously, as if she’s telling me a she's a vampire,

I giggled at her
“Ok Gust” I said,

“Wow, that’s a cool name” she said patting my shoulder.

Then we headed to go inside the party house. When we’re on out way to the house, I heard a girl say,

“Ew, look at her. Who wears a hoodie to a party?” she exclaimed

I turned to look at her and saw a girl to whom the voice belongs to, She’s wearing a short dress, and when I say short, like really short.

“Matilda Pink, will wear a ‘hoodie’ to a party” I said in an intimidating tone.

And to say she was scared will be an understatement.

With that I went straight into the house, August, um, sorry. Gust walking beside me.

“That was awesome dude” she said raising her hand in the air.

I looked at her confused, as if ‘Why is she raising the hand in the air’
She gave me a bored look, then took my hand and bumped it into her opened palm

“Its called HIFI” she said slowly like telling to a child.

“Sorry, I didn’t know” I said shrugging
she rolled her eyes and motioned me to go inside the house.

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