Straight? Nah...

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POV: Matty

"I messed it up!

I messed it up!

I messed it UPPP," I was talking to myself pacing back and forth hitting all around my body lot of times in the bathroom...

"What were you thinking when you said that? 'I'll feel comfortable when you move back a bit!' who will say that to the person they love, he definitely never gonna come near me again. "FUCK" I shouted plugging my hair. I'm going crazy... I took my phone out of my pocket,

"Call Gustie" I said to the phone, she picked it up within few rings.


"I messed it up Gust! I messed it up a big time. he's never gonna come near me, fuck I don't think he'll even look at my side, why had I said those things to him! Fucking shitty bitch!" I rambled and shouted at the last part

"Matty, first of all stop cursing I can't put censor on mobile so please stop it and be calm, tell me what happened!" Gust said calmly

I explained everything to her as I already told her about my love for Nyle, she was shocked at first and scolded me for not telling her earlier, so that I shouldn't have waited this long. Yet she was happy about it.

"So basically you asked him to move back a bit!" she concluded

"Yeah... I don't know why I said that, may be its just he was so close that I couldn't think properly and my brain malfunctioned" I said to which she was silent so I continued

"What if he thinks he took advantage? What if he's feeling embarrassed about himself?" I asked

"What did he said when you asked him to move back?" she asked

"Nothing, he apologized twice and quickly moved back! Is that a problem?" I asked worried

"is he still there?" she asked

"No.. he left a few minutes ago, he didn't talked to me directly after that, is that a problem?" I asked again

"Wha... how am I supposed to know that?" she asked bewildered

"Then why did you asked these questions?"

"I just wanted to know the answer..." she said innocently

"oh my god... Gustie..." I said pinching my nose to control my anger... She's making it worse

"I'm sorry Matty, I don't know what to say.... why don't you call him...may be he ca.." she was saying when my phone started vibrating and voice mail came, "Nyle calling"

"Gust, Nyle's calling, what should I do?"

"Are you kidding me.. cut this call and pick up his, and let me know what happened!" she said as if I'm an idiot

"Oh... Ok! Thanks Gust, You were of a GREAT help!" I said not hiding my sarcasm

she laughed and said, "Any time my friend, talk to you later!" and disconnected the call.

I quickly pressed green to answer Nyle's call,

"Hey" he said

"Hey Nyle!"

"Thanks for today... it was great hanging out with you and your fam, surprisingly your brother didn't shoved me in the sink yet!" he said laughing, His laugh... I shook my head clearing my thoughts

"He's not that bad you know.. he can understand! A bit moody but yeah still..! I told him about your sister and you.. Speaking of which how's your sister?" I asked finally finding my voice

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