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POV: Nyle

"Theodore..." I said without realizing,

He looked at me and Orange with mixed emotions, scared was one of the main expressions, All of my friends looked more or less the same, I understood something's wrong here,

"Orange, let's go, I got something to do at my home" I said and grabbed her hand,

"Wait, Did you said Theo? Why did you remembered him out of the blue?" she asked laughing a bit yet confused,

I was silent, I don't wanna lie to her I let the man of the show handle it in his own, after all this was his mistake, why did he have to be here when his sister literally suffering? He need to answer for himself, So I didn't answered her. I was actually planning to talk to him and ask him to come see Orange, that she misses him, But here he is doing god knows what.

Quickly Theo got up from the cushion and grabbed Orange's hand from mine, and took her to a room. I stood there awkwardly, didn't know what to do? Will Orange be safe inside?

'It's her brother idiot! if its anyone she can be safe with its him!' my mind reasoned so I felt relieved.

But my friends looked at me as if I'm some kind of an alien, I never imagined the day where I'll look like an alien to my own friends, my childhood companions. It's not their mistake though. After knowing everything about me, even I wouldn't be friend with myself, then how would they? Their actions are reasonable but I'm not the same me anymore.

I have changed, changed to feel proud of myself and I am feeling proud. I don't know why, maybe because how Orange treats me, like I haven't done anything bad to her... 

That girl knows how to handle even a ghost. I thought and smiled to myself.

"Something's funny?" I hear Phil say from afar, I looked at him. I guess its time to answer them, after all they're my soulmates, I need them for my life,

"Guys, I'm sorry.." I started

"Sorry accepted, now come here...!" Gustie said smiling for the first time since this tragedy happened

I smiled from ear to ear,... and went hugged her... "Thank you Gustie" I said

"I understand, You realized you're mistake, I've seen you at the hospital." she said patting my back

I turned to my other friends, Aiden smiled as he's already cool, I looked at Max and Dave, after few minutes of debating Dave gave a small smile as his reply, same with Max and he said,

"Missed your bro"

"Me too..." I said smiling

"Just don't do anything stupid anymore!" he said giving a side hug smiling

"Thank you so much, I was a coward, I should've talked to you before, but I couldn't find my self to do it sorry" I apologized

"All right all right, now its time for the joke, what do you call a Sea which got pregnant?" Aiden asked to no one in particular

"Aiden, I'm warning you don't open your mouth..." Phil started but Aiden didn't let him finish his blabbers

"PREGNANCY" Aiden finished. He looked at everyone for some laughing sound, every one just started doing their own works and started sitting as if they hadn't heard him,

He looked at me and smiled and said, "That was good bro"

"Yeah.. I know righ..." he started

"No it was not! I was just kidding" I blank faced. Its just so fun to tease him

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