Guilt is B***

13 4 6

POV: Nyle

"It's all a LIE Nyle" She shouted to my face

"A lie...? So Lea is alright?" I asked confused

"No, its true that Lea is ill"

"Then what do you mean by a lie? What's a lie?" I asked a bit louder

"About Matty" she said slowly

"What about her?" I asked

"It's all a lie about Matty!" she said again, I don't fucking understand where this is going

"Mom, could you please speak like a full sentence? I can't understand?" I asked

"Nyle, Whatever I said to you about Matty long before... it was all a lie!" she said quietly and guilt forming in her eyes

"What the hell..." I said as calm as I could, I couldn't believe my ears, before I couldn't ask any more questions, she started speaking

"Ny, Your sister have 'Sindsiohd' a peculiar disease which will get cured if she got to see someone getting hurt then the chance of her survival will be more. I came to know about the disease when she was 5 years old, and I didn't know what to do... that's when I went to see Angel, our neighbor also mybest friend from high school. The reason I went to her was because she was a psychologist and I thoughtshe can help me with Lea's illness. I didn't know what I was thinking when I asked her the favor". 

"The only decision which I regret taking was asking her to hurt Matilda so that Lea will be cured. I was so selfish that I didn't thought about Matty's feeling and how much she will get hurt on the process, but I didn't had a choice. But as Angel is a doctor and curing her patient was one of her moto, she had been selfless and helped me with curing the disease by hurting the poor girl verbally. On seeing that Lea got cured. 

"Even your dad didn't know any of this until he himself found about Lea. And I told him about everything that had happened. He was furious, that he was the one asked us to vacate the house, so that we will not be worrying the pinks anymore. And also he told me that you not to know any of this, as you were a child then. So I had to lie to you about Matty and Lea" She finished with tears in her eyes

"Are you kidding me?" I asked the first thing came to my mind, I continued 

"if you're trying to get me and that Orange on good terms... That will not happen. Never! Ok? So stoplying!" I said running a hand through my hair.

She must be lying about everything she said about that orange... But her eyes were not lying. What the fuck is this? Why would she suddenly come to me telling about any of this?Oh my god. Mom was silent. Now I'm scared, why isn't she saying anything to accept my fact?

"Mom.. Please tell me that whatever you just said now is not true! Please mom!" I begged her, while she is still silent, which made me frown

"Why? Why are you doing this? Why are you telling me this now?" I asked my last hope to make her agree this was not true. She finally looked at me in the eyes, and said

"Because Angel told about us to Matty right before she came to our house, so I thought it's time for youto know about this too. I'm sorry Nyle!"

"Sorry? Wow... Can just a sorry cure anything that happened all these years?" I shouted not stopping

"You think your sorry can cure all the hates I had towards her? Can your sorry take back my actions towards her? All the while she was getting hurt and here I am hating her for something she doesn't had a clue about? Are you saying she is not a monster like I thought she was? Oh my god... Mom. I wanted to get a fucking revenge mom! What have I done? Fuck!!!"

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