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So, that’s why I don’t want to get a ‘PART TIME JOB!’

Wait, have I thought of all these just to say why I don’t wanna work part time? Wow.. now a days, my mind is working too much on unnecessary topics. Sorry,

Well, coming to the current sceniero, yup I really want to, No I have to buy phone. I already told you guys a story, about why I don’t go to part time jobs, so I don’t have any other options than to ask my parents, though I don’t like the idea… I don’t have an other option.

With that thought in mind, I went to my next class.

After few dreadful hours, I got out from the class, I searched for Nyle, he was nowhere to be seen. I was about to step out of the school gate,.

A car came and I looked behind, It’s Aiden. The car stopped behind me.
I poi ted me and then at the car asking ‘May I’?

He nodded as if its obvious. I climbed on the passanger seat, when I was about to close the door, my hood had fallen on my shoulder. Quickly I put it back in its place and closed the door.
Aiden started the car,

“Embarrassed about your hair?” he asked looking me sideways.

“Yup” I said without thinking

He looked at me for a few seconds nodding and looked back at the road,

“Don’t be” he said firmly

I looked at him, he seemed like he was thinking about something

I don’t like him like this, I just want to see the funny Aiden. So, I changed the topic,

“Are you good at Maths?” I asked

“Who? me? yeah, little bit”

“What’re you’re grades?”

“I don’t wanna share my grades but I can do maths! Yeah.” he said nodding at me, and added,

“Want any help?” he asked smirking.

Can I actually ask him to teach me Maths?

I’m sure I won’t and surely can’t understand it  by myself. That shit is too much for me. Phil and Gust are out of the choice, as they have their own pockets full, I can’t pester them with mine.

In short, I’m not like Maths! I won’t go around people asking them to solve my problems when they have their own problems.

Stupid B***h. By the way I’m talking about the subject Maths.

So yeah I can't ask Phil and Gust. Max and Dave, well I’m not really close to them.

And finally, Nyle. Well I don’t even want to think about the consequences, he won’t even consider my favour, he’ll just turn and walk away like I was a fly… So, yeah not him too.

So the only option left behind is the man beside me, so…

“Well, I wonder could you help me?”

“Help you with what?” he asked smirking

“With Maths!” I said a bit irritated. He wants to take revenge

“Maths what? Fuck say it!” he asked making me remember my words during lunch.

“Could you please help me in Maths? Mr. Asshole?” I asked

He burst out laughing. I looked at him, I’m cursing him but he’s laughing. Idiot!

‘Well this Aiden is better than the Stone faced Aiden’ My mind reminded. And I totally agree with that

“Sure Sure, just tell me the when” he said still laughing a bit

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