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POV: Matty

Max and I sat in the car, he started the car and in 5 minutes we were in the roads, it was silent until I asked,

"What were you guys doing? Leaving the car with key in the ignition?"

Max got shy by the question, but why?

"Did I asked something wrong? Why are suddenly shy?"

"What.. No, I'm not shy... is it that obvious?" He finally asked

"Yeah, as obvious as I can say that this is a car!" I said

"well,... mmm.,,, Please understand, its some personal issue!" he said slowly

"Oh, I understood! Just make sure you don't leave the car with the key next time, when you make out!" I said causally

"Wow, Ok" he said relived and asked

"Where is your home?, it'll be helpful for me to drop you there if you told me"

"Home? Oh yeah home, Mmm, just go straight and then turn right,..." I said the route to my 'Home'

"Are you alright?" he asked by the nervous in my voice

"Yeah, I had to be" I said

The thought of going home gave me nauseous, I would rather be in the four celled room with attached bathroom with kitchen AKA in the Jail, than going home! But I actually have no choice now, anyway I have to face them. They're are my parents for sake. So, I have to!

We were silent till reaching my house, he stopped the car in front of my house,

"Can you do me a favour?" I asked Max

"Yeah, tell me"

"Can you call Nyle and ask if he's alright?"

"Mm, sure. But why? You said you dropped him at his house?" he asked

"Yeah, I did. But he seemed different, like someone new and..." I started but stopped before I ramble on

"Different? I see, Sure I'll call him" he said doubted

I nodded, not explaining further, I just want to know if he is alright, because I couldn't believe what happened today. I just want to make sure.

He then gave a nod and went off. I just stand there not knowing what to do next. Should I just go to my room? or should I check my parents and see if they're alright? Shit, I got forgot the events with my parents thanks to Nyle for occupying my mind and made me forget about at least for a quite sometime

But right now, standing in front of my house made me realize that it is indeed true. They hurted me for some unknown girl!

'By the way, that's because they wanted to save a life of a girl' my mind reminded.

Well, that's true, but who is responsible for my past and the current Me? 'I am 'Me' right now, because of the past me' and the past me was because of my parents! But my parents did that because they wanted to save a girl.

Fuck! Wherever I go I'm coming back to the same point, I hate to say this, but I could understand my parents. But that doesn't mean whatever they did was reasoned, I'm still angry at them, I'm so confused right now I need to talk to my brother, but how... is yet to be known

I opened the front door and stepped in and saw my parents sleeping on the couch, mom on the one side and Dad on the other. They were still in the position how I left them, seeing them I felt pity. As I said, I could understand them, trying to help the other child by hurting their own child, must've been hell, most importantly they wanted to make it up to me, but Me...? I distanced myself from them. As a kid I don't blame myself for what happened or how I reacted.

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