Why shock?

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POV: Nyle

She looked at me as if I’m asking her to do gymnastics,


“Solve this question and let me know the answer Orange?” I said controlling my anger.

Seriously? This is the first chapter’s first question, yet she’s looking at me like a deer caught in the head light.

For gods sake I will not allow my time to be wasted like this with a hopeless orange haired girl, I accepted to come here to befriend her which will in turn make my revenge plan much more easier, but right now, I’m redeciding my decisions.

‘Cause beside my personal anger towards her, she is making me even more angry by not listening to me, if she doesn’t want to learn Maths, she shouldn’t have called Aiden in the first place.

You may ask me how do I know she’s not listening to me! Its fucking obvious that she was just looking at the papers of the book not even concentrating one percent. Instead thinking about something unimportant for sure.

‘God, why do you always introduce these kinds of people in my life?’

“Are you gonna write the answer or should I leave?” I said picking up my mobile to go to the door, ‘I’m done with this shit’.

“Wait! Wait, I’ll solve it” She suddenly said surprising me,

I sat back down because when it comes to maths… I just want to prove that its not as tough as everyone think it as. Call me stupid.. but I will prove. And for that reason and only that reason, I sat down on the couch.

She took the pencil and the note and started writing the question from the book then looked at me, I faked a smile and mouthed,

“You can do it”

She again looked back at the note putting the pencil on the paper and finally started writing the answer
After 5 minutes she gave me the note, I took it,

“Are you kidding me? It took you 5 minutes just to write, ‘I’m sorry Nyle waters I don’t know the answer for the question, I was zoned out when you were teaching me?’ Well you know what? Keep zoning out Orange, I’m outa here” I said placing the paper on the table.

Somehow this girl beside me is a Phenomenon of making someone angery ‘God, I couldn’t be much more furious than this’

“Nyle, please wait. Forgive me, just once, please say whatever you say, I’ll listen this time. No more zoning out.. I promise! Please.” She pleaded

Is she serious right now? Why would she please me? Its not like Maths is that of important to her. Well actually speaking nothing is ever important to her except herself,

Then why???

Though I’m confused I sat back down again for the second time. As I said I just want to prove!!!

“Listen Orange, Maths is not tough at all, and I’m sitting back down to prove that I was right and I will prove I’m right. So get your head together and please concentrate and then ‘Boom’ Its easy..”  I said taking the book again and starting the same sum which I had explained just before few minutes, all the while she was looking at me,...

“And, could you please stop looking at me like I’m some kind of creepy creature? it freaks me out” I voiced my thoughts out,

She quickly lowered her head mumbling a sorry, and so I started explaining.

This time I guess she actually listened, or I thought she did ‘Lets find that out’ I thought and said

“So yeah, its easy right? Ok now solve this question” I said giving her a question from the same chapter

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