Wait what???

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POV: Nyle

"I didn't cheat guys trust me..." Dave said but his face showed otherwise,

"Babe" Max called

"No Max I didn't cheat trust me..." Dave stated still looking at us,

"Babe, look at me..." to which Dave finally looked at him

"It's obvious!" said Max

Dave went silent and finally gave off that fake true face and said, "Was it?"

"Yeah totally" Max said laughing to which Dave narrowed his eyes before scattering his Uno card and said,

"Then I don't want to play this game anymore" he said crossing hands across his chest,

"Ok then, let's go home, get up" he said taking Dave by his shoulders, they quickly got up from the cushion

"Guys, we'll get going, see you later?" Max said taking the keys from his pocket

"Are you kidding me? You can't leave halfway just because Dave know he can't win! Sit now" Aiden said fed with them

"Bye bye Aiden" Dave said waving his hands with a smile and within seconds they were out the doors, Max didn't even spared a look

"Do I look like a fly to him? He's so rude!" he asked with blank face

"Come on Aiden, he's always like that, and also it's getting late, we should head home. Let's meet another time" I said convincing him, he just shook his head,

"I'm leaving then.. take care of Orange, both of you" he said to me and Theo, I nodded but Theo was looking at Aiden on the contrary for a second he looked different. I'm definitely not good in understanding people. I let it go

Orange and Gustie was outside talking about their days, Soon Aiden left, Phil went outside to see Orange, I was left alone with that guy Theo. since we started the game he was giving me once over looks. I don't know what's his problem. I agree I had done a mistake but still..

Finally I looked at him, his angry face returning but I dare did not look down, he raised his brows and finally asked,


"Why what?" I asked

He took in breath sharply trying to control his angry, and shook his head

"I want you to leave my sister alone and stop pretending you care for her"

"I'm sorry, I can't do that. its 'cause I promised that I would be with her until she gets her eyes back, and No I'm not pretending to be anything"

"You got the nerves to talk like this after what you have done huh? Mat come let's go home, it's getting late" he called orange out of the blue

Soon after few seconds both the girls came in with Phil trailing behind them, then orange said

"Ok Thee lets go. Gust, I'm really sorry for my brother that he bothered you, he won't anymore!" she said to Gustie, to which Gustie shook her head negatively

"No, not a disturbance, it's perfectly alright, now everything's alright. I'm happy you're actually doing good" she replied smiling

"Oh yeah, I feel good. Thanks to Nyle" she said and added "And I don't mean it in a sarcastic way Nyle" turning towards me

Gustie smiled as if she know something that I don't. I didn't get it. Then after few minutes of Theo thanking Gustie and Phil we were on the parking area

Theo went to the driver seat after buckling Orange in the passenger seat, I had no other choice than to sit at the back.

The brother and the sister we're talking casually about something, it was like I was intruding them, so I said,

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