The Vows

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One year later

POV: Theo

"Yeo,...?" Aiden called me, when I was arranging the stage,

"Yeo.... look at me" he called again,

"Ai, I'm working here... can you be silent?" I said without even looking at him,.. after few seconds I felt a sharp pain in my ears.

"Ow.. Ow... Ai, why... Stop it, it hurts... Owww." I said turning to him, he was pinching my ears with his thumb and forefinger

"You deserve it for being rude!" he said folding his arms across his chest, I quickly wiped my ears which is still in pain

"Leave before I...." I started but he stormed off before I could finish my sentence,

"That's was harsh.." I heard my mom say beside me.

"It's alright mom, it doesn't hurt that much" I said wiping my ears.

"No, I meant you were harsh on him!" she said narrowing her eyes

"Are you sure I am your son?" I asked bewildered, she smiled and said

"Come on Theo, you too knew you were harsh"

"I was in the middle of the work mom!" I protested to which she shrugged and left the place...

I continued to arrange the stage, but that cute little bastard's angry walk came in my mind, I can't concentrate!

"Aiden.." I sighed and went in search of him

I knocked on the guest room, Aiden opened it and went back straightening his suit in front of the mirror

"want anything?" he asked looking at me in the mirror

"Tell me!" I asked sitting in the bed

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me what did you wanted to tell me there?" I asked looking at him.

"Look! I understand it's your sister's marriage and it is important day for you and all... but that doesn't give you any rights to be pissed at me! It's my two best friends wedding too... I'm not being an ass to anyone!" he said about to get out of the room

"I wanted to hear your jokes though?" I said hitting in his weak spot that made him stop.

He turned to me, "My joke?" he asked already smiling,

"Yes! I'll hear all your jokes. But can we just finish off the works here? It's a big day, and there's a lot of things which needs our help, and you can tell me jokes all night!" I said standing up towering him.

"All night?" he asked looking like a kid, can't believe he's 26, and I married this one, I smiled and nodded

"Perfect! let's get working then!" he said taking my hands and opening the door.

"oh... and Ai.." I called he looked back,

"You look hot!" I said winking

He didn't responded, instead continued on his walk, but the blush.. I don't think he's too good at hiding it. We went to the stage and I continued working the flowers with Aiden beside me being anything than a help, but I kept quiet!

"Hey" I heard someone call behind me

"Oh, hey" I said to Nyle and continued working but he still stood at the same spot, so I asked,

"What?" raising my brow

"I just wanted to talk it out with you, if you have something to ask me or tell me, you can say! I don't want to feel like you hate me!" he said adjusting his hood

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