Oh Shit!!!

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POV: Matty

"I'm Gay"

He said quietly.

"What?" I asked

"You heard what I said and that's true!"

"Since when?"

"What do you mean 'since when?' Since I'm born!"

"I see..., So who's your childhood crush?" I asked raising my eyebrows

"Be serious Mat!" he warned

"What? Do you want me to cry?"

"I'm telling you I'm gay! Don't you think that's a big deal"

"What's the big deal about this?"

"You don't feel weird about me?"

"Weird? You like Men! I don't know what's weird about this. For God sake I have gay couples as my friends, and you're asking me whether I am feeling weird about you being gay, You're really stupid"

"Seems like I shouldn't have left to military!"

"Gay – Military? What's the connection?"

"I left to military because I was afraid of myself and our parents! I couldn't accept myself, I thought it was just the hormones and it will be alright if I just left from here clear my thoughts and be normal... but then the matter gotten worse, and I have no choice than accepting myself"

"You can say you were confused of yourself! But afraid our parents? Are you kidding me? They won't feel weird even if you say you're an alien" I said being so done with him and his thoughts. They love him for god sake. I heard him laugh a bit and then he became silent.

"Come with me!" I said lending my hands in his direction

"Where?" he asked giving me his hands, I held on to them

"Take me downstairs"


"Just do it!" I said in a final tone and he did

"We're here!" Thee said and added "Mom and dad are in the couch!"

"Am I facing them?" I asked

"Yeah, but why? Do you wanna talk to them?" he asked, I didn't answered him instead I called,

"Mom, Dad! I have something to say to you, That is about Thee!" I said and waited for their response

"Sure Matty, go ahead" my mom said and I'm sure I was facing them

"Mat... Don't do this.. Plea.."

"Thee is gay!" I finished without giving Thee a chance to reply or defend

POV: Theodore Pink

"Thee is gay" Mat said quickly

My god.. why is she like this? Always acting on her impulsive thoughts... Uhhh

Both my mom and dad was silent for a minute

"Theo?" my mom called I looked at her and she raised her eyebrows as if asking 'Is it true'

I gave a nod unable to use my mouth, she then looked at my dad he was looking down and was deep in thought then he looked up at Mat and said,

"Matty, go to your room"

"What? No!" she protested

"Mat Please!" I said, she was silent for a few seconds

"Well take me to my room! How am I supposed to go? Fly?" she asked her hands up in the air, I wanted to laugh but didn't . I took her to her room and sat her in the bed,

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