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POV: Matty
“Its alright, I’ll help you. Hurt me!” I said entering the room, unable to keep silent anymore,

“And don’t get me wrong,… Nyle, you forgot to close the door, so we heard everything you guys talked just now, so yeah I want to help!” I said before they take me for brag in the door.

I looked around not knowing which direction I should turn, on seeing this, my parents came and guided further inside the room and I heard the doors close which meant they left.

“No Orange, be silent! Mr and Mrs Pink take her with you and wait outside, we’ll figure this out by ourselves” Nyle said ushering me outside the room after my parents.

“I see,.. so this had become your own issue? I was involved in this and I have all the rights to talk what I want Nyle, don’t you order me what to do!” I said a bit angry just so he won’t fight me and didn’t budge.

I really want to help his sister. Lea must be so ill, which made him cry, I could literally hear it in his voice.

I don’t know why I asked them to hurt me, I just want to save his sister, and the fact she won’t be alive if its not for me… Its like I don’t have other choice. She need to be alive.

And if that will happen only by me, then Hel, I will do all I can.

Its not new to me… I am used to this. So yeah, this will not be hard for me, I guess this time it will be more easier as everyone in the picture knew what is going to happen.

“Orange, its not like that! I don’t want you getting hurt anymore, you lost your childhood and now you’re going through something which you shouldn’t and that too because of me. Not anymore. I beg you, Please understand” he begged

“You don’t want your sister back?” I asked straight forward, no beating around the bush

“She will be back on her feet, you’ll see” trying to be confident,

“And how will that happen?” I asked

“It will happen!” he said not giving up,

“Ok! But how?” I asked again, this time he was silent…

I went near him following his source of voice before, I thought I was on right path

“Nyle” I called, my raised my hands to meet any of his features

“I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry by the sight of you!” Nyle said chuckling, which sounded like nightingales sound, cute

I tilted my head to the side, confused.

“You’re facing the wall Orange, come here!” he said and grabbed my hand


The feeling again, I had to bite my cheeks from making any kind of sounds and to control the blush from my face, His hands are so soft… Even in his sweaty state.. I would forever hang on to his
‘Is he thinking same thing like me?’

‘Is he having the same chemical reaction in his body like mine?’

I already know the answer for both questions, It’s a No!!!

It’s the fourth time today, Of course I counted how many times I touched his hands, This is so far the first physical touch I had with him so far, I don’t count the slap as a physical touch! So yeah,..

Apparently I was day dreaming that Nyle had to call me thrice to get my attention!

“Orange are you sleeping?” he finally asked fed up with his unanswered question

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