Hurt me!!!

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POV: Nyle

Its been 20 minutes since Orange’s parents went into her room still no movement, I was anxious about what’s happening in there?

“Should I go in?” I asked myself, I was about to get up when the door opened revealing the three, I sighed in relief and sat back and waited, they slowly came out of the room.

Orange walked with the help of her mother, Mrs Pink was grabbing her arm calmly guiding her out. I don’t want to say I guilty I felt right there,… I looked down

“Nyle?” I heard Orange call me, I quickly got up from the chair and went to stand beside her

“I’m here!” I said not wasting any time, I saw her smile the rare smile of hers. Even her own parents were surprised, but the smile quickly faded as fast as it came, its as if she doesn’t want anyone to notice!

“Ok great, come lets go!” she said to which I nodded, and I face palmed as I forgot she couldn’t see, so I said,

“Yeah ok!”

we came to the car parking lot, her dad took the car out, then I remembered I got my own car, I couldn’t just leave it here, so I said,

“um, I came here in my car, you guys go first, I’ll follow you!” I said to her parents and took my car keys from my pocket.

Mrs pink nodded and looked at Orange, for some reason Orange looked unsure…

“Orange you alright?” I asked

“um,.. can I come with you?” she asked

“uh…” I was surprised by her question and was unsure my self as her parents were waiting for her. I looked at her mom, she looked back at Orange,

“Sure Matty, go ahead! But Nyle, be careful!” she said and went sat in the car.

Orange’s mom looked not so happy, of course who will be happy when their daughter want to go with the devil? Even I wouldn’t approve of it.

We both stood unsure of what to do, until she started,

“if you have the curtesy of taking me to your car that would be of a great help you know?” she asked with no emotion

“sure, yeah come on!” I said and took her hand and went to the car, and opened the passenger door, I let her in, she sat and I was about to help her with the seat belt before she touched it and buckled herself up.

‘Smart’ I thought

Then I came and sat in the driver’s seat, and started the car, her parents went ahead of us and I started following them,

Wait there’s one more creature missing here…

“Where’s your brother?” I asked looking at her side,

“oh yeah, my parents told me he went home, I guess he’s angry about all of this. You better not come and show your face to him, just warning you know?” she said. I know she was just kidding but the utter fact is true. I was silent after that,

“I guess you don’t like my sense of humour, its alright!” she said nodding to herself

“No its not that, I just thought how true it was though you meant it as funny!” I said looking ahead

“sometimes I really need to shut my mouth!” she said and zipped her mouth throwing the imaginary key outside the window. That made me chuckle. We both went silent after that, it was red in the signal.

I saw her parents car ahead of us in the traffic.
I turned my head to look at Orange, she was silent. I thought she slept, but after few seconds she adjusted her hood letting me know she isn’t asleep.

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