Execution of Philtie plan

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POV: Philip

Have you ever hated some one, that all you want is to squeeze the life out of them?

well, I currently want to do that to a particular someone right now! Aiden.

Seriously I don't hate this guy for any  personal reasons, but damn, He's talking to Gustie like he knew her from the start.

How the hell can he do that? 

It was me! I was the one who knew her from the start. I was the one she used to laugh with and talk with!

Now after he came, its all him around her, she laughs with him and talk with him and do everything she'd done with me.

How the hell?

I don't know why am I acting this way, But damn, I'm more angrier than I've ever been.

I AM jealous, ok?

I agree, I'm jealous of my best friend, why? Because...because...

I don't know!!!

All I know is that, that little shit named Aiden, is gonna get a damn punch from me anytime soon. 

The irony of all about this is, Aiden doesn't even know what he is doing, he's just being himself.

But I can't control my anger, I could hide my feelings. But today I've been proved wrong by Nyle.

He asked me what's wrong?, during our first period. I lied to him stuttering like a duck.

I think I've succeeded, 'cause he smiled and let it go.

On the other hand, Gustie was not talking to me at all, it's been one whole day and she had yet to say word to me.

Nope not a single word.

'May be that's because what happened to her yesterday' my mind reminded.

That incident yesterday, I don't even want to think about that. If I saw that Matilda Pink again.... I'm telling you I won't be responsible for my actions.

I won't hurt her physically, because she got her share yesterday from Ny, So No!

Being the problem solved, why is she acting like I never existed? That hurts me, more than it should

'But she was acting like no one existed Phil, after that incident,!' again, that's my mind

'But what about Aiden?' I asked rather to myself

'May be because, he never ever shut his f****g mouth, he's like that. You'll get used to it' said my mind.

But NO, I don't wanna get used to it, I want her to talk to me like always, laugh with me, why is it so hard?

'GOD, just why?' I thought, not even trying to eat my lunch,

I'm just..... I'm just.... I don't know how I feel, But Fuck!

'I hate this feeling'

POV: Nyle

After Gustie left us for her 'work' we ate in silence. Not an awkward one, but a bit tensed.

Seriously, I'm angry at her. Because, why would she leave us for 'work' which we don't know? Whatever work, she never left us uninformed.

She'll tell everything to us if it is important, meaning the 'work' she left for, is obviously not important.

Of course, she can have her personal works, we don't mind at all, but at least she could've informed us as a heads up.And the fact she hadn't returned till now is also not helping.

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