Loved me?

44 8 4

POV: Philip

Someone patted my shoulder, I turned to see Nyle's worried face,

"Are you alright man?" he asked

I wanted to laugh at his question. How can I be all right, when I come to know my best friend was in love with me all these years?

Since Aiden became our friend, I started to lose my best friend. I've never felt this way before. .

Whenever I see or hear Aiden talking to Gustie, I visibly got angry.
I accept it, Its jealousy. But a best friends can also get jealous at each other right?

Especially this week, It had really gotten worse! it had took all my strength to control my self from snapping Aiden, whenever he is talking to Gustie.

I know they're just friends. But before he came into the picture, Gustie had always been with me, though we don't talk much, it was nice feeling to have her beside me!

And today, I couldn't control myself. Since Gustie came to this party she and Aiden started talking flitaroeusly. And that felt like they'd done it on purpose, But why? And to my luck, all of my other friends left me here with them! Even Nyle. I got angry and frusturated .

The way Aiden kissed her cheeks and the way she laughed at his fucking jokes was just adding fuels to my anger. And as if it's not enough, they went to dance in the fucking dance floor.

That's when I lost it! I walked towards Gustie, She visibly felt happy, But why?

Without thinking twice I went straight and grabbed a random girl and started doing something which I'll regret till my life time!

I still don't know why I kissed that girl, hurting both the girls at the same time. This kiss doesn't feel like anything. It was just like a job I do when I was angry. Not to mention that was my first kiss!

Though I'd known Gustie will be affected by that kiss, I hadn't thought that she'll slap me or that girl for that matter!

Well, she have all rights to slap me for being a jerk, but why the girl?
The girl cried and ran off from the house. I made sure to apologize to her at school!

After that slap, everything was a blur. But the only sentence which was echoing in my ears was that,

I was shocked. Not because of the word love but because of the person who's saying it, to say the truth I am confused to the core.

How could she love me? Why hadn't she told me? How do I have to react? I have train of questions, but who could answer those, except the one soul

The way Gustie cried in front of my eyes, made me feel guilty for an unknow reason.
The image is still vivid in my eyes. How much I blink, it hadn't vanished!

Never in my life I saw Gustie cried like this, sure all these years as a best friend and partner in crimes, I had saw her shredding tears! But I've never saw her cry like this.

But today I saw her broken in front of me and that too because of me! "ME". It made my heart broke.

I know, I love her as a best friend
Actually, if you ask who's your fauvirote person obviously I'll say Gustie!, But I've never imagined or looked her that 'Loving' way. I don't know why. All I know for now is that 'I fucked up everything'

I lost my best friend again. Oh fuck

"What? Is there a pain in your ass?" Aiden snapped at me, bringing back to the reality

I glared at him, suddenly all my mixed emotions turned into anger towards Aiden!

If this Aiden didn't came into the picture on the first place, I wouldn't have lost my best friend for life.
I took long strides and grabbed Aiden by his neck, lifting him off the ground,

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